Kudos to the President

Everyone say this with me… There. is. no. popular. vote. She won nothing. She is now strolling through the woods reading, "She Persisted " while persistently losing wondering how the hell she lost to an orange guy who once beat up Vince McMahon.

Hey man, I’m just siding with the Donald on this one. He thinks the electoral college is bullshit too.

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Don’t assume my gender but well played. Just stop using the popular vote as a measurement of success. California doesn’t speak for the rest of us…

From your mouth to Mr. Trump’s ear, so he’ll stop feeling compelled to make up ludicrous conspiracy theories explaining why he didn’t win the nonexistent, nothing-to-do-with-success popular vote.

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I feel much much more secure in my thought that pop vote = success in an ELECTION than a broken electoral college system. Part of me feels like that’s how votes are supposed to work.

He didn’t really beat up Vince let’s be honest Trump is built like a bucket of KFC… I think on Tnation we can all agree he’s way out of shape. Bush Obama and Clinton all at least tried. I feel bad for Melania hopefully she gets drilled by a secret service guy. She deserves a good bang

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Actually the Electoral College worked as it was designed. It isn’t broken, you just disagree with the system.

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The electoral college has, by design, the power to refuse the will of the people and cast a vote for whomever they see fit in multiple states. They (thankfully) didn’t do that with Trump v HRC, but it was clearly a legal option.

Yes, that is true.

I had actually read some where that this was unrelated to the Russian stuff. Which brings up 2 questions, why were they being investigated and why was Trump in contact with them?

Pretty standard practice if they are of any importance.

There’s the big question.

That is simply untrue.

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”

“To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.”

He could recommend no criminal indictment (and I think he achieved this with a deliberate re-reading of the legal standard), but to call this a total exoneration of the practices of the Clinton State office is revisionism.

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Ya, I sadly can’t control what comes out of his mouth. I’ll be sure to tweet at him, though.

I FEEL like my dick should be bigger but that’s just not the way it works. Campaigning would be much different if there was only a popular vote but maybe that’s why Hillary didn’t go to Wisconsin or Michigan and Trump won 30 states. But hey, at least she can sleep soundly at night knowing she won the consolation prize of the non existent popular vote :wink:

There is nothing cconspiratorial about Trumps comments regarding the popular vote.

We know at least 800,000 illegal votes were cast at this point

Then people outside of the coastal states cities might as well note vote in a popular vote system.

Also judging Trump by his popular vote performance when that wasn’t the prize he was gunning for is beyond stupid.

Neither candidate even campaigned in California in any meaningful way because it was pointless to do so under an electoral system. Under a popular vote system it would be integral

Which is the problem. The current system basically weights large pop states to signify their votes are worth less than their counterparts in states like N/S Dakota, Montana, Nebraska, etc.

I’d really like it if everyone’s vote was equal (again, pipe dream I know).

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OK, I’ll play along. Citation, please.


Never claimed it was a total exoneration; ie, in all senses of the word. Just pointing out that whether something is “damning” is in the eye of the beholder.

And I will point out again that it was unprecedented for the FBI director to make a statement such as he did regarding the subject of an investigation against whom no charges were recommended. And the fact that he did it in the shadow of an impending election takes the unprecedented-ness to an even greater level.

You realize Mr. Trump himself is caught in the ‘beyond stupid’ net you just cast, don’t you?

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