Kudos to our US of A


He was only duplicating what the USA had done 2 months earlier in Panama.

Yes, you’re right, because taking out Manuel Noriega and reestablishing a democracy is Panema is the same as Saddam leaving a despotic government in Kuwait.

As to the rest of your post it is so far outin Michael Moore and Noam Chompsky land that I can’t even dignify it.

diesel23, you were right I should have just ignored them.

Monsieur’s last response is so wacky I might as well be trying to convince a preschooler that the moon isn’t made of green cheese.

Diesel23: You say no one suffered like us. Really!? What about the thosands of innocent people who were killed by the US of A when we invaded Vietnam? How about the thousands of innocents who were decimated by US troops during our secret war in Cambdia?

Who said we are to remain passive? Even the people who are protesting this war are not remaining passive by doing so, are they?

The people who are responsible for 9/11 ought to be brought to justice. But that is something all togehter different than invading sovereign countries, is it not?

You say they hate us but that only begs the question, why? What could be the plausible reason/reasons?

You berate France and I would assume other countries who were against the war, but why shouldn’t France and Germany listen to their population? The majority of people within those countries were against this war so why chide them?

Of course other countries are afraid of our country. Why shouldn’t they be afraid? We’ve killed more people outside our borders than perhaps any other country.

Correct me if I’m wrong but lately there has been alot of threads concerning the belief or disbelief in God. Weren’t you a non-believer? If so, I can see how your distorted morality is a logical outworking of your relativism.

You won’t apply the same standard to everyone. You always exclude the US to your version of morality. It’s okay for us to do it but not anyone else, especially if they happen to be our eneimies.

I stopped trying to reason with long ago Monsieur_Pussy. As long as you stay within your canadian borders we’ll be fine.

Anyhow, see this B-1? There’s plenty more where that came from. And yes, we’ll be having plenty of play with them in the coming years in our effort to wipe out and disintegrate (i.e. reduce to saw dust worthy of termites) terrorists and evil regimes.

What??? Lets just killem all right… Yeah…Ok oyu hate the US well some of us deserve to be Hated on others well some of us see how things really are

“diesel23, you were right I should have just ignored them.
Monsieur’s last response is so wacky I might as well be trying to convince a preschooler that the moon isn’t made of green cheese.”
Are you denying that stuff is true? Noriega worked for the CIA & started to interfere with US interests in the Panama Canal, so the US couldn’t trust him to put their interests 1st & therefore had to go. He committed a crime against the USA by putting someone else’s needs 1st, just like what I said.

“Anyhow, see this B-1? There’s plenty more where that came from. And yes, we’ll be having plenty of play with them in the coming years in our effort to wipe out and disintegrate (i.e. reduce to saw dust worthy of termites) terrorists and evil regimes.”
-rampant corruption
-economy strangled by monopolies/oligopolies
-rampant corruption
-government more & more obsessed with spying on its own people, each one a suspected terrorist when really they’re just people who love their country
-nuclear facilities falling apart & polluted wastelands everywhere
-the overlords in charge just don’t care
-foundation of foreign policy centred on total domination of the planet
-military deployed everywhere while schools & libraries close at home
Imagine living in a country like that! Yes, it would be terrible to live in the Soviet Union. Oh wait. I mean the USA. Actually it would be very interesting to see Bush get re-selected in 2004. (by those right-wing Christian fundamentalists who make the voting machines) I wonder how quickly he can cause the collapse of the American Empire. This year’s deficit is almost as large as Canada’s total debt we’ve had since the beginning. Isn’t it at $16trillion or something? I think I’d rather have Bush re-selected in 2004 over Kucinich or Nader or someone. Go Bush in 2004!

We didn’t have to dream about terrorist attacks, we had and still have them all thanks to the multifactional array that is the irish republican army and the opposite forces of the loyalists. Nothing sucks more than these twats that will kill innocent people to make a wave, if people really had the balls then they would take out the people that actually make decisions, not some poor sod that has to go go to work everyday to make ends meet and then get killed by some fucking arsehole. Luckily things are pretty quite here at the moment and i would never wish that anyone has to suffer the threat of attacks, god knows what it must be like living in Palestine!

People around the world seem to hate what is going on at the moment but in reality it is no different than anything that has happened before.

Garcon-Quebec, what does it matter that some arsehole business men have eyes upon oil or other natural resources, my best friend had to flee Iran when he was young because of the constant bombs being dropped and the sight of one of his friends basically being blown to bits really made him wish that one day no one would try and help his country get back to normal.

Although it never made it on the news, there was a massive demonstration in Iran against their regime after they saw the changes that were possible after Sadam was ousted in Iraq, all it takes is one spark to ignite a fire and that fire will be freedom and liberty for everyone.

Not only Kudos to USA but kudos to any country that is peace loving and demand the same rights for citizens of other countries.

“Restless, before you start, shut the fuck up. Thanks.”

Larry, you apprecitate your freedom of speech right? Think about it.


First of all I didn’t tell restless to shut the fuck up.

Second, the right to freedom of speech and the first amendment in particular is incredibly important, you are correct. However, the right to freedom of speech means that the government can’t inhibit speech, not the private sector. We can tell Restless to shut the fuck up all day long and it has nothing to do with freedom of speech. It just means Restless should shut the fuck up.

Also, I actually don’t want Restless to shut the fuck up. I like dissenting opinions because you can’t have a healthy debate without people disagreeing with your. I think Restless and that Monsieur fellow and a few others are so far out there in conspiracy land that you can’t have a meaningful debate with them, but still, I don’t want anyone to shut the fuck up, that was someone else.

My humble apologies; you are correct. I should have been referring to StevenF.

I want to send a special thank you to Big Willie Style. I’ve been patiently waiting for more of my Canadian friends to post messages of support. I know they are out there. We do care that you support our current struggle. We know that every country has to suffer through periods poor executive government. We suffered from 1992-2000. Be patient, the Canadian public will remove chretein (spelling?) soon enough.
I wanted to add a few new members to the ever growing list of Good Guys. Welcome, Larralavender, Big Willie Style, Steven F., and DrStu. Keep up the assault on the anti-Americans, liberal democrats, and the small number of Canadians on this board who are obviously extremely jealous of the United States (100%albertabeef, etc…).

lets just bomb the fuck out of every country then.

All you “bad guys” just give in to the wishes of the hawks. To do otherwise is futile.

The Bush imperialist cat is TOTALLY out of the bag now so follow through right?

US lives are worth more than any other… rah rah…

Why don’t we just shut down every social program and school, give all the money over to the corporations making weaponry and finish the job right. Us 'Mericans have the monopoly on right afterall.

No government has ever been right in every case, but the current administration is setting new benchmarks in for-corporate-policy and their brand of imperialism is top notch.

best wishes,
bad guy

Uh oh…Here’s another one a dem librals.

Anyone notice Syria is suddenly arresting and turning in terrorists? Saddam was a Psychotic murderer, with hundreds of thousand if not over a million deaths on his hands. Afghanistan supported terrorists and turned a soccer field into a public execution center. Why are people complaining about America?

Are we terrible Americans for eliminating these terrible people and stopping them from committing more terrible acts? Is everything America has done good? Of course not. But Iraq and Afghanistan was good. Both countries were given the option of not going to war. Both countries decided to go to war.

Everyone arguing against America, or it’s policies, are not doing so because of a true belief of morality, but a hate of America, or the current party in charge, or just to push a political agenda. If it is a true moral argument then why aren?t Saddam and Osama being put down?

I have only found a couple statements like “Saddam is an evil person who has killed and tortured thousands, BUT?” Now if he is such an evil person, why are you complaining about Bush? Why not Saddam?

You can see this political statement in things like kuri saying, " Why don’t we just shut down every social program and school, give all the money over to the corporations making weaponry and finish the job right. Us 'Mericans have the monopoly on right afterall."

Exactly where has this administration cut any social spending? Nowhere. He has actually increased spending, which has annoyed many conservatives.

Also stating that first America thinks that American lives are more important, where that came from I don’t know, and then we are not supposed to care because we don’t “have a monopoly on right.” Sounds like regardless of what America does it is wrong.

America is hated because it is the most powerful country, and the most successful. Just like the rich are hated by many who don’t have as much, or us here at T-mag are hated because we have better bodies. If you find you hate anyone or anything you need to examine why.

Also let’s try to keep this discussion in reality unlike monsiour_quebec talking about schools and library closing (where?) and Nuke facilities falling apart a polluting everything, (interestingly when people were talking about the radiation leak at a court house right after Three Mile Island, they didn’t realize that the granite of their building was giving off more radiation then the facility), and other fantasies. Overlords, complete world domination, sorcerers destroying the castles, oh wait, that’s a D&D game.

I know people have all these beliefs, but does anyone actually think about their beliefs? Try to find out if they are real or rational? If there are facts that actually support them? I often think about my beliefs. I have dropped many because I don’t just let a belief stay when it might be wrong.

US=GG - Canadians jealous of the US? Hell no! We still dominate in Hockey!

“But Iraq and Afghanistan was good. Both countries were given the option of not going to war. Both countries decided to go to war.”
The attack on Afghanistan was the culmination of >10 yrs of planning to establish US hegemony in central Asia. It actually has nothing to do with the oil in the Caspian Sea region. If the US can establish military bases in the former Soviet republics there would be military encirclement of Russia & China. Check this out:
& I think Restless (or Z-Man…) has already posted the quotation from the US State department about the Middle-East oil being “one of the greatest material prizes in world history,” so that’s why the US wants to control Iraqi oil. They also wanted to take their bases out of Saudi Arabia, which Paul Wolfowitz has already admitted.

“Everyone arguing against America, or it’s policies, are not doing so because of a true belief of morality, but a hate of America, or the current party in charge, or just to push a political agenda.”
In normal countries/societies, people question the government & speak out against it all the time. In fact, in Canada, a comedian will never make it unless they get a bunch of their material from the people in Ottawa. How long would comedians last in the USA if they made jokes about the president? In normal countries people are even encouraged to question the policies of the political leadership.

“Us 'Mericans have the monopoly on right afterall.”
That’s right & that’s probably the real reason why people hate the USA so much.

“America is hated because it is the most powerful country, and the most successful.”
See above. “We do THIS better than everybody, we do THAT better than everybody, why do they hate us I don’t understand.” LOL

“Overlords, complete world domination, sorcerers destroying the castles, oh wait, that’s a D&D game.”
Well that stuff about world domination comes from the National Security Strategy which can be found on the White House web page & pretty clearly states that the USA is planning to take over the world. The USA can attack & take over a country that’s suspected of harbouring terrorists & it will do this until the president says the (open-ended) war on terror is over.

Don’t you love how monsure_cubec has access to so much information that the rest of us don’t. You would think he has a satellite up link directly to the pentagon and white house.

He is right you know, the US is bent on world domination. We won’t be happy until everyone in the world is ruled by our great nation. Not sure how the electorate college will work in the middle east but will figure it out. We have been imposing our imperialist advances on the whole of the world undetected for years, but now the cat is out of the bag. Monsure is onto us.

Here is a cool list of super leftwing buzz words. Try them out with your friends today. There sure to make you sound smart.

  1. Corporate greed
  2. Imperialist
  3. Hegemony
  4. World domination

Damn right Diesel. Your political sensibility is matched only by your lifting poundages.

There are plenty of us here in Canada who love and support our brothers and sisters in the US.
That doesn’t mean we’ll blindly follow wherever you go. Sometimes you’ll feel that your friends are making a bad decision, and you can’t support it- so we don’t go to Iraq.
But don’t forget, we have a shitload of troops (for us) in Afghanistan still fighting.
And when our neighbors accidentally bombed our troops, did we pull out and go home? Nope. Still there.
My point is, i guess, that you have to do what you feel is right, and i thank God that I live in a country where i have the freedom to make that choice, and i thank the men and women who stand post to make that possible.
Also, please remember that there are some Quebecers who don’t want to be a part of THIS country either. They are, after all, “French”-Canadian…

“Don’t you love how monsure_cubec has access to so much information that the rest of us don’t. You would think he has a satellite up link directly to the pentagon and white house.”

No I only went to www.whitehouse.gov & looked it up. Every American is free to download the National Security Strategy & see for themselves. It doesn’t get any more public than that.