Krypteia - 2 Days/Week Awhile Adding Walrus on Saturday

I am past middle age and I work at staying as heathy as possible without running myself into the ground.

I am planning on trying Krypteia - 2 Days/Week awhile adding Walrus training a third day? I based everything off of Jim’s example.

I am already doing easy conditioning and mobility every evening following Jim’s example in Forever titled Active Recovery for the Older Athlete. It has really helped with my sleep.

Thoughts or advice on the layout.

Week 1
• Squat - 5’s PRO, 5x5 @ FSL
• Assistance - Choose 1 pressing movement and 1 pulling movement.

• Bench Press - 5’s PRO, 5x5 @ FSL
• Assistance - Choose 2 lower body movements.

• Walrus training – 5 circuits work up to using 20lb vest
o Air dyne
o Squat
o Push-up
o Pull-up

Week 2

• Deadlift - 5’s PRO, 5x5 @ FSL
• Assistance - Choose 1 pressing movement and 1 pulling movement.

• Press - 5’s PRO, 5x5 @ FSL
• Assistance - Choose 2 lower body movements

• Walrus training – 5 circuits work up to using 20lb vest
o Air dyne
o Squat
o Push-up
o Pull-up

I just ran a six week block of this almost to a “T,” or at least I averaged 2 weight sessions and a walrus session. I really enjoyed it and would have continued onto the BBB phase, but decided to go another route for a strongman competition prep.

Some days I went hard in the assistance with big strongman moves like farmers walk or keg Press, while other days it was GHR and curls so lots of opportunity to listen to your body.

I’m early/mid thirties and relatively well conditioned for context.


This is about what I do. Only, I don’t use the krypteia template, I do 5’s pro with FSL (which matches Krypteia) with 50-100 reps of push/pull and single leg/core. So, generally speaking quite the same.

I also do one WALRUS day, I enjoy it and it is a good way to get some extra volume. However, the only thing I’d do- is do for total reps. I personally use 531 as GPP for boxing, so if I’m beat up I’ll just get the reps in over a different amount of sets.

Also, I would just grab a pool of exercises to choose from before starting the workout. Keeps it fun. A couple of suggestions below;

Dips | Pushups | One arm band press.
Chins | Pullups | Inverted rows | One arm KB Rows | KB Snatch/
Ab work | Back extension | BW Squat | Lunge | KB Swing.

I just walk into the gym, see what I feel like and do it. So one day could be 50 pullups, 100 pushups and 100 leg raises. The next time it could be 75 Inverted rows, 75 dips and 100 back extensions.

Big plus; A round timer. Keeps the pace up without running yourself into the ground. Yesterday I did;

20 rounds of;

3 pullups, 5 dips, 2 chin ups, 10 BW squats. One round every 90 seconds. Great workout.

As others have said, this is a similar approach to what I had been doing. In fact, I liked the Walrus work so much I shifted it into each workout.

Something like this:

5’s PRO of main lift.

Put on vest, then do 5 rounds the Walrus circuit. I also include Airdyne (1 mile) at the outset of each round, as you do.

I was/am quite pleased with the results. A great way to get both strong and fit efficiently.

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You mention you do 5 Pros of the main lift then do 5 rounds of the Walrus circuit with the weighted vest. Do you ever do FSL of thye main lift?


Sure, doing FSL of the main lift would be fine. Just remember to balance the supplemental work (FSL, BBB, etc…) with the Walrus work. Meaning if you add a lot of one, then take away some of the other.