KFC's coleslaw

I think you’re just trying to find reasons for going into KFC and then while you’re there saying to yourself “well, I’ve only had 3 cheat meals this week and for a limited time, if I get the Colonel Sander’s Chicken Pack I get some coleslaw free.”

When I was down in Mexico I saw this one KFC and I swear to goodness, the Colonel’s head on the side of that building was as big as a fuckin’ house.

chris, that special expired last week. This week you get a bucket of macaroni salad with the purchase of a medium Pepsi.

I think you’re just trying to find reasons for going into KFC and then while you’re there saying to yourself “well, I’ve only had 3 cheat meals this week and for a limited time, if I get the Colonel Sander’s Chicken Pack I get some coleslaw free.”

And what makes you think that…?

Hey A7, seems like some folks got down on you just for going to KFC. But hey, you just wanted to know about the slaw. That doesn’t mean you’re eating a bucket of fried chicken every time. A little slaw from time to time, especially drained is no great sin!

Goldberg…You don’t like slaw? Asparagus? Okra? Crawfish??? I love all that stuff!!! Imagine, a guy from NY who likes okra and crawfish. Sushi??? Well, you got me there, can’t deal with that.
It is true though how some people eat everything but balk at protein drinks or swallowing vitamins.

Why are people harping on the food pyramid? I always stack my steaks in a pyramid before eating them. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

When I was a kid I loved cole slaw. Now I can’t eat it. Also Kentucky Fucky Chicken pissed me off a while back when they tried to charge a buck a piece just to change from white to dark meat.


It’s not the veggies that’s the issue, it’s the fats that are used to make it. They use vegetable oils which are all rancid and should be avoided like the plague. You COULD, however, make your own using olive oil as the fat, but I have a receipe for it in a book here, and there’s a lot to it. I’ve heard it can be tough to get right, too.

If you’re that interested, I could give you the name of the book.

Take care,

Someone mentioned…

““11 herbs and spices? How about salt and pepper.””

Don’t forget the bag with MSG. I used to train KFC managers.

Find the books Big Secrets and Bigger Secrets. It is from the mid 80’s. They had a person sneak a cup of the “mix” out and had it analyzed. It only contained 4 ingredients. They said KFC (not their legal name at that time) could get away with this by mixing giant batches and sprinkling in insubstantial amounts of extra spices.