Keeping My Head Down, Doing My Thing

Most people care about effort more than numbers here.


Thanks guys! That’s very kind of all of you. @whang: Thanks for looking in on my log too.

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82,1 kg

1691 kcal, 61 g fats, 85,5 g carbs, 205 g protein

Morning: Leg supersets

I was experimenting with rep duration counts, so counts, reps, & RPE are all over the place. Learned that I really suck at estimating the duration of a second: my counts are really closer to three-quarters of a second. When I count what I think is an actual second, I come out closer to two, which burned my quads something horrible today — had to stop and massage them several times. :grinning:


Alternating back lunges:
4.8@10 longer counts, burn!
12@9 stiff, gradually better

Alternating forward lunges:
4.8@10 longer counts, agony!
5.8@9 shorter, much closer to 1-sec
Side lunges:
12.4@8 longer, much closer to 1-sec

Alternating 1-legged RDLs on pillow:
5.8@9 longer counts > 1-sec
5.12@8 slightly > half-sec counts
12.8@10 longer counts > 1-sec
12.8@9 pause before set because RDL balancing caused spasm in hip & back. Walk/massage before second set, so not a true superset.

Afternoon: 55-minute brisk beach & hilly woodland walk

I started experimenting with rep durations because I suspected that I was counting less than 1 second for each rep. The 12-count reps get me close to a 6-second hold on lunges, squats, & RDLs but I lose track of what rep I’m on if I have to count too high, despite trying to visualise a clock-face. So I’m going to go back to counts of eight, given that each count > half a second, so a count of 8 is roughly 6 seconds anyway, which is what I want right now, and a count of eight fits well with my breathing & level of exertion.


@planetcybertron: Thanks so much for stopping in at my log! :kissing_heart:

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Absolutely!! Putting in awesome work!

No worries! Tagging along!


82,0 kg

1630 kcal, 52,7 g fats, 74,3 g carbs, 214 g protein

Morning pull supersets

My usual one cup of coffee a day was never going to be enough today. Dragging!


Pull-ups — pronated grip
5.8@8 stiff, despite warm-up
Let-me-ins (towel rows):
12.6@7 stiff

Let-me-ins with approx. 5-sec contraction at top:
Towel curls:
5 l-m.8@9
4 m-h.8@10

Let-me-ups (inverted bodyweight rows) with supinated grip:
5.8@8 good contraction
Let-me-ins (towel rows) with palms up:
12.8@9 forearms!
8.8@9 grip spasm

Two more cups of coffee later, I was finally ready for . . .

Afternoon PLP

Middle finger of left hand is still numb, so rather than risk further injury or cheat by shortening reps, I decided to go back and climb this hill from the beginning again, to see if I could get farther this time.

For P & P explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 1: Supinated grip: 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 (15)

I’ve never tried supinated grip before but did so at @dagill2’s suggestion to someone else in a different thread (switching up the grip every two days). I can see that I’m going to have to focus on keeping the elbows pushing downwards towards the floor throughout the movement to avoid strain.

I’m not sure if this is the right approach for my situation, but I was inspired by something @damo_suzuki wrote that almost got buried in a different thread (Volume Management, Overtraining and Non-Responders):

So I decided to try this with my PLP and see where it takes me. I can say that simply removing the stress of facing something I don’t think I can manage without injury right now made a world of difference. For the first time in a long time, I ended the “workout” (brief and energetic as it was) with more energy than I started with.

EDIT: I finally found the suggestion to switch up the grip. It was made by @Voxel, not by @dagill2. My apologies to both for misremembering the reference. For those who are interested, the text reads:

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81,6 kg

1590 kcal, 46 g fats, 103 g carbs, 194 g protein

Morning: Core supersets


5.8@7 gradually better
Russian twists:

Supermans (stretch during rest before set):
5.8@8 gradually better
12.4@8 gradually better
12.4@8 better

Hanging leg lifts with knees bent:
Leg lifts with hands on chest:
12.8@10 good contraction

Afternoon: PLP

Day 2: Supinated grip: 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 2 (16)

New yoga mats have an alarming, chemical smell!



81,5 kg

1680 kcal, 61,6 g fats, 95,2 g carbs, 189 g protein

Every year, I know that our short, damp, and comparatively cool summer has finally arrived when I hear the incomparably beautiful song-whistle of the season’s first Swainson’s Thrush. Today was that day.

After 12 weeks on the same routine, progress was stalling and routine-fatigue had set in quite thoroughly. So today, I decided to start something new for the next several weeks (probably 8 to 12 weeks, depending on how things go). But to do so, I needed to learn some new (to me) exercises, so today I decided to take a learning fun-day and try out some new things.

Because there were so many exercises I’ve never tried before (shocking, I know!), I just did one set of each until I felt relatively comfortable with the movement and had begun to figure things out. I’ll be using all of these — and quite a few more — in various combinations over the coming weeks:

Morning: New (to me) stuff


Pogo jumps
Like skipping without the rope
About 60 — nice calf burn, watch the knees!

Beach scissors
12.8 — keep body straight to avoid spasm

Rocking chairs
6.8 — harder than they look

6 — how on earth does anyone do more than 12 without actually dying?

Good mornings
20 — move only at the waist; definitely feel the hamstrings!

Beat your boots
12 — ouchy! Can’t do a heels-to-the-floor squat, so am lifting heels slightly. Imagine this will improve over time. Sweaty grip on ankles after a while . . .

6 — and I thought Russian Twists were difficult!

Bam bams — brutal! Raise legs and THEN bring feet together in a scissor motion, to avoid bending knees. Hold glute squeeze at top for 3 seconds before reopening scissors and then lowering slowly again.

12.4 — easier than I was expecting. Will I ever be able to do 100 of them, though?

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 3: Pronated grip: 5 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 (17)



81,6 kg

1607 kcal, 66,4 g fats, 58,4 g carbs, 229 g protein

Morning — Round 1, Week 1, Day 1: Push Ladders


7.5-minute timer for each ladder

Military press
1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + failure . . .
More difficult variation than I’ve ever done before, so . . .

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 + failure . . .
Expected these to be easier, actually . . . cue mild panic at this point . . .

Close-grip push-ups
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1+ 1 + 1 + failure . . .
Panic replaced by dread . . .

Seated dips
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + timer expired
Expected these to be the worst; they were actually the easiest.

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 4: Pronated grip: 5 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 2 (18)

Oh, Toto, we’ve definitely levelled up. There will be DOMS tomorrow. But the only way is up, right? Right?!


I’ve always loved ladders. Its amazing how many reps one can trick themselves into doing like that.

Glad to hear that you are taking your health in your own hands. It’s extremely important. I hope that you are able to reach the goals you set.

I’ve used ladders before for a different routine, and you’re absolutely right — they can be a great low-intensity way to build both progress and confidence in a new movement.

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Thanks so much for stopping by my log, and for the wonderful support. I’ve been reading your postings, and I always learn something valuable from them.

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81,3 kg

1555 kcal, 42,8 g fats, 82,5 g carbs, 212 g protein

Morning — Round 1, Week 1, Day 2: Leg supersets


Alternating back lunges with 6-sec pause at bottom:

Alternating forward lunges with 6-sec pause at bottom:
Side lunges:
12.4@7 gradually better on left (weak) side

Alternating 1-legged RDLs on pillow with 6-sec pause at bottom:
Pogo jumps (slow & controlled, 1 per sec):
50@7 burn!
60@8 sweaty burn!

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 5: Neutral grip: 5 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 (19)



81,1 kg

1582 kcal, 46,5 g fats, 83,7 g carbs, 212 g protein

Morning — Round 1, Week 1, Day 3: Pull interval sets


Let-me-ins (towel rows):
6.6@8 one-handed, each side

Let-me-ups (inverted bodyweight rows) with supinated grip:

Let-me-ins (towel rows) with palms up:

Towel curls:
5.6 l-m@10
4.6 m@9
3.6 m-h@9.5

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 6 (7): Neutral grip: 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 (20)

For PLP, day 6 is supposed to be a rest day, but it was blowing and bucketing with rain, so I swapped with tomorrow, so I can take a beach walk in better weather instead.



80,8 kg

– kcal, – g fats, – g carbs, – g protein
Dinner with friends.

Morning — Round 1, Week 1, Day 4: Core Tabatas


Russian Twists
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7

Beach Scissors (3-sec hold at top)
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 (right side)
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 (left side)

Standing knee raises (alternating sides, focus on contracting abs)
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 (left side)
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 (right side)


55-minute woodland and beach walk



82,3 kg

1428 kcal, 26,3 g fats, 49,7 g carbs, 250 g protein

Strange day today. Got dragged into work this morning to deal with a crisis, so did both workouts in the afternoon. Half an hour after the first workout, I had so much energy that I did the second one as well. Completely flummoxed my nutrition for the day, but it all worked out in the end. More or less.

Morning — Round 1, Week 1, Day 5: Stappers


As many cycles as possible in 20 minutes with no rest:

10 alternating back lunges
8 Let-me-ins (towel rows)
6 Push-ups

Did 8 rounds at a fairly relaxed pace. Let-me-ins (towel rows) immediately after lunges are particularly evil for the quads.

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 8: Supinated grip: 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 3 (21)

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I’m not vegan, but one of the lunch take-out options in a pinch is from a local vegan restaurant. The food is absolutely fresh, completely delicious, and, of course ALL carbs! :angry:



81,7 kg

1683 kcal, 52 g fats, 116 g carbs, 196 g protein
See posting above. Don’t judge me.

Morning — Round 1, Week 2, Day 1: Tabatas


6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 4f + 4f + 3f

Rocking chairs
5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5
Murderous after going to failure on push-ups!

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2

Afternoon: PLP

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 9: Supinated grip: 6 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 3 (22)