KD13 Not Very Strongman

Ya, I definitely wouldn’t say they are massively under-developed. I think your hamstrings are more developed than mine. Like you said just the sweep/width is a tiny bit behind. NBD.

Hams came on pretty well when I started implementing 1.5 reps on hamstring curls, built a great mind muscle connection with that exercise, and John meadows has a great leg program that started every leg session with leg curls.

I think I just need a prolonged effort to bring my quads up to par, I lose interest in them pretty quick though when the progress isn’t obvious.

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Started doing agile 8, my mobility suck major ball sack so going to start working on that, I found also that agile 8 really works my core and the added core work can only be benifitial.

Also introduced barbell complexes in a bid to burn some extra fat. Gonna try and do them twice a week. Don’t want to drop carbs any lower just yet so hoping these will keep the fat dropping off.

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Few more veins and looking harder I think.


7.30 am 30 min liss (brisk walk to work)
5pm 30 min liss ( back home)

7pm circuits/complex work
Agile 8
Deadlift - 2 min
Press ups - 2 min
Clean and press - 2 min
Crunch - 2 min
Squats - 2 min
Plate curl - 2 min
Roll outs - 2 min

Legs did not like the 2 minute of squats, both quads cramped badly :grimacing:

Bacon, skry yoghurt, almonds, black coffee
meal 1
2 chicken breasts, avocado. Green tea.
meal 2
2 turkey steaks. Large salad containing lettuce, pepper, courgette, carrot, olive oil and balsamic. Green tea. Multi vit, creatine.
meal 3
4 sausages, onions, mixed veg, onions, potatoes. Skry yoghurt.

Legs are feeling surprisingly well after yesterday’s circuits, which is good as it’s legs tonight.

5x5 deadlift

4x10-15 leg extension + 20 partials on last set
4x 8-12 hamstring curl + 20 partials on last set
(Super setted )

3x12 squats ( constant tension no lock out)

1x20 single leg press

Depending on time I may finish with hanging leg raises and really light side laterals.

whereabouts in the UK are you dude?

Midlands buddy

a up then lad

Weight is holding steady at the minute, maybe even slightly up this week. Not really concerned as I’ve started taking creatine again, which obviously is like being on gear so of course I was gonna get massive. Joking a side, some water weight is obviously coming from there. I’m happy that I’m looking leaner so gonna focus less on the scale.

I’ve noticed that lower body lifts are getting harder, deadlift 5x5 yesterday was tough at a weight that would not normally be an issue. Form was breaking down on the last 2 sets.


Saturday session

superset 5x8reps
Smith shoulder press
Wide chin

Single arm cobra pull 4x15

**superset ** 4×10
Rope lat pull down
(pulling rope apart to initiate movement)
Straight arm pull down

Side lateral with crucifix hold
10 seconds hold followed by 10 reps x3 sets.

Db bicep curl 6x10 reps

My main focus at the minute with my back training is to take my arms out of the movements. I usually train my back with vertical pulls and horizontal pulls on separate days. So it’s shoulder and vertical and chest and horizontal, antagonistic movements.

The back exercises above are the ones I can really concentrate on initiating the movement with my lats first and keep my arms more passive. The cobra pulls are done with wrist cuffs to further take my arms out.

So that was yesterday, today…

1h liss walking
(with my heavily pregnant wife so the pace was slow :smiley: )

2k run (fast as possible)

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Leg extension/hamstring curl 4x12

Glute raises 3x15

Back squat 5x5 last set rest paused 13 total reps.

Romanian dead 3x20

Abductor/vagina tightener superset 4x12

Hanging leg raises 3x amrap

The abductor/vagina thing is new into my leg sessions, shit am I sore in the crotch area today.

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Congrats on the baby! I remember my prego walks. They were more like waddles than walks. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you very much, very exciting times. She is coping very well and all this walking has got baby right down where it needs to be.


I don’t think I look much different other than my waist size has dropped drasticly. It’s down 4in, and weight is down 24lb.

This worrys me, i must carry a lot of the bad kind of fat under my abs and around my organs to lose this much weight and waist size but not be massively leaner.

Not trained in a while and looking forward to getting back to it, diet has been very slack but not looking too bad on it.


not necessarily - you could just be like me and carry it all in the lower abs/lateral aspect of the lower back.

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Yeah hopefully that’s more it. Maybe a lot of bloat too from being so high carb before.

Im really excited about training to gain mass again, it’s sucked the passed few months not being as strong and progress in the gym has been stale. That was always gonna happen in a deficit and dropping weight. I had to bail on one of my fav programmes (Paul Carter guaranteed muscle) because I was constantly missing rep targets or hitting the exact numbers every time. I didn’t lose much strength but still Frustrating.

Being in a deficit has made me find my hunger again, I feel really ready to start eating big! I’ve learned a lot about diet and my body on this cut and can use that to my advantage. Gonna try not to rely on carbs as much, will up my fats more and take in more sodium.

It helps that I actually preferred my physique before the cut, I don’t feel desperate to stay leaner and really want to put the weight back on. My clothes are too baggy!

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What??? You look extremely leaner in the pic on the right. :thinking:

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Nah, he just upgraded his phone


@jamie1888 waist is smaller I agree, but I expected more of a thin skin look, maybe if I stuck with it for longer that may have come!

@lil.greggy yep, much better camera can do wonders for the physique.