Just Want to Be the Best Me Possible


“TT is low. Now you need to find out why, get these labs:
fT4 [please not T3, T4]”

I will schedule these and post results asap.

“Are outer eyebrows sparse? That could be low thyroid function and in turn might be cause by not using iodized salt. Sea salt should be avoided.”

yeas they are both sparse towards the outsides

Blood pressure? 123/79

Your TSH says, OK, body temps not. Low thyroid function robs energy and drives fat gain.

so it’s possible to have an iodine deficiency and a good tsh level? Looking for iodine supplements also. Couldn’t find oral capsules at local nutrition stores

Cholesterol may balance out when sex hormones are right.
Was lab work fasting?

yes I was fasting

Any signs of gyno? Any issues in the past?

Last several years I have noticed increased fat being stored on my chest. I’ve never had a manly muscular chest, even when I was in great shape and very active.

A lot of issues above, try to address all that see to be questions.

Stickies to read found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

  • advice for new guys
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • finding a TRT doc
  • thyroid basics

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