Just Starting Out Again

New to the Forums and looking for a little advice to get started… I’m 38, Not in terrible shape (5’7 160lbs with 18% body fat). I have not lifted in about a year now and don’t really know how to start back. Any suggestions?? My main focus would be getting stronger and bigger. I d like to be around 170ish but drop my BF to below 15%. I am not looking to compete or do a show or anything like that. I have a sport nutritionist thatI have started working with so that part is certainly in check, now I need to programing part to come into place. Thanks in advance for any advice!

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My advice is, lift in whatever manner you enjoy the most, because you’re more likely to stick with it that way. If you enjoy lifting like a powerlifter–heavy weights, low reps, lots of rest between sets, focus on the main lifts, etc–then lift like a PLer. If you’re into more of a BBing style–lighter weights, more reps, less rest, more machine and isolation work–then do that.

Thank you very much! I appreciate your response.

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