Just Lost My Virginity at 23

No one is making you feel that way. Your feelings are your own. Take responsibility for them.

This should be right about the time you scurry away and figure out why “those people are full of shit”.

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“those people”, i.e. the haters? those who said I cannot do____? Is this supposed to be the epiphanic gung-ho moment?

Because I’m one of those people who is actually motivate by those who say I can’t do something, kind of destructive but it’s the truth

You can’t be honest. Thats a fucking fact.

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“Those who say I can’t do”…? It seems to me that people are saying “Go! DO! Stop thinking about it and blaming your working conditions or your upbringing or your homelessness or your depression and DO SOMETHING about ANY PART OF IT.” Some scattered thoughts…

If depression (and/or ADHD) blocks you from working more or engaging in self-improvement, address it through therapy and, if need be, medication.

Weed is not making you deep or opening doors to insight - it’s making you stoned. Stoned people are not deep, they’re stoned. Smoke it or don’t, but don’t assign it qualities it lacks.

I have a masters degree now and do mostly very pleasant work. In the past I have flipped burgers, waited tables, cleaned houses, and been homeless as a sixteen-year-old runaway. Beware assuming people can’t relate to less-than-optimal circumstances. If you don’t like your SHITTY job, learn the skills to do something you like better. Half the world works SHITTY jobs. The other half focuses their attention on figuring out how to do something better. Also, it occurs to me that if you’re going to compare your sad lot in life you could as easily compare yourself to Syrian refugees as to “privileged college kids.” Maybe you’d feel better about your circumstances.

When I think of self-esteem I think of it as a combination of liking and respecting oneself. So the question then becomes “If you met someone with your personal qualities, would you like and respect that person?” If yes, you should take that as information and update your image of yourself. If the answer is no, you should identify what it is you wouldn’t like or wouldn’t respect and target those things for change so you can become someone worthy of your own approval.

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I’m surprised that none of you have decided that this is typical attention-seeking behavior from a very, very lonely person yet.

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That’s correct but for some reason, having suffered from clinical depression long ago, for YEARS, I feel compelled to chime in.

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Sometimes people need attention and are not able to easily access it in positive ways. Maybe they’re lonely, maybe depressed, maybe poorly raised, maybe screwed up in some way they won’t understand without some help (i.e. attention).

I just wanted to say I’m done with this thread, thanks for the advice, sorry for misunderstandings, and peace. There is a lot of good advice here but this is not the place I am going to find a solution. I’m too old for this anyway

Good luck, OP.

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Too old for… what, exactly?

Too old to write to other adults, most of whom are older than him, about life’s challenges and those who have experienced the specific ones about which he wrote.

And here I thought he was some innocent guy who workplace bullies picked on for no reason, when it was likely ordinary men on the job simply getting fed up with a man who can’t comprehend the most basic orders and statements, is chronically intoxicated, and incredibly difficult to deal with!

Harmless guy, maybe even a nice guy, but incredibly irritating and manipulative.

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