Julius Maddox 800lb Bench?

This is the most powerlifting thing I’ve read in this forum in a LONG time.


No joke: start paying strongman and powerlifters what you pay ball players and you will see some insane numbers.


You out deadlift maddox, so that is something.

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Add MMA fighters to that list and we got ourselves a deal haha.

That strongman leave the sport to go fight in MMA just goes to show the disparity in pay already among those tiers, haha.

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Yeah, that’s pretty much everything. People usually try to claw my eyes out when I say this, but if baseball, american football, and basketball didn’t exist, USA would be #1 in the world in soccer.


Kind of hard to test until the US start playing sports that anyone else in the world cares about.


I have a similar goL that I fall very short of right now.

You are in womens for that reason. Your female football (soccer) pays are well paid. And the sport is well funded.

I’ll not derail this thread but talk to me about the collage football drop outs and rugby one day.

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Somewhat off topic of the thread, but I see a lot of videos like this of guys benching heavy with the safety pins just under their ranges of motion. I don’t understand exactly how that’s supposed to help. It’s not like a squat, where if you fail you can just drop the bar onto the safety pins; it seems like in the bench press, the bar would just pin you to the bench and keep you there, with the safety pins being no help because they are at least a couple inches below the bar on both sides. Am I missing something here?

Push the bar down toward your feet once it’s on your chest and then you can escape.


You set the safeties very low such that when you have a slight arch, the bar doesn’t touch them, but if you went completely flat backed, it would touch. The arch is what keeps your chest above safety level. Then, if you fail, drop your arch, crawl out.

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Here’s an example I came across today. Pec tear and he was f’ed


Yeah, but that guy was using a spotter - safeties were set too low. You can definitely set them at a safe height, I’ve done it and failed, dropped my arch and crawled out from under.

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or roll it to you neck

He probably hurt himself more though pushing it up all that way with the tear than if he was able to rest it on the safeties. That spotter isn’t in position to take that much weight off him. Does get me thinking. I use a spotter and usually no safeties lol.

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Part of this sort of safety placement, even with a spotter, is a contingency of something catastrophic, like a massive muscle tear or the bar slipping out of your grip. Yes, the bar might pin you to the bench a bit as it falls to rest on the safeties, but without them you end up with the full weight of the bar (in this case 500 lbs, i.e. a shitload) on your torso, or worse, your neck. The safeties keep situations like this from going from bad, to much much worse.


Yeah 405 is a long term goal of mine. The fact that Julius is going for 800 is unfathomable.

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200lbs dumbbells for 20 lol
