Joint Pain

Hey everyone.

I’m trying to help out my mother. Recently, she’s been experiencing joint pain in the right area of her hip. Does anyone know about what this could be about?

There’s pain when sitting down and standing constantly. But not during sleeping.

This began back several months ago when she started to run, then the pain began and she stopped for a while. She started weight training and it seemed to provoke the problem even worse. Any kind of hip work would antagonize the pain. She’s taken anti-inflammatory medicine, it doesn’t seem to have any affect. She does not have enough calcium (according to the doctor). She’s doing something about this with calcium tablets.

Anyone? (Sorry if I may sound a little off with my speech)

I’m not sure what causes it but last spring when I started running the same thing happened to me. I stretched (yes it hurts) out my hip as best I could when I was lying down (the only time the pain wasn’t horrifyiing). Also, ice helped a lot. A few times I took 2 ibuprofen, laid down and stretched, and then put ice on it during a nap. That helped. The pain eventually lessened and went away but I wasn’t able to start running again for a long time.
Does your mom drink coffee? If so, she needs to boost that calcium intake even more than just with a supplement.

[quote]fsnmajor wrote:
I’m not sure what causes it but last spring when I started running the same thing happened to me. I stretched (yes it hurts) out my hip as best I could when I was lying down (the only time the pain wasn’t horrifyiing). Also, ice helped a lot. A few times I took 2 ibuprofen, laid down and stretched, and then put ice on it during a nap. That helped. The pain eventually lessened and went away but I wasn’t able to start running again for a long time.
Does your mom drink coffee? If so, she needs to boost that calcium intake even more than just with a supplement.[/quote]

In that case, yes she does take a lot of calcium. Plenty of milk and vitamins. (But maybe not enough?) She would have painful stretching too. She doesn’t drink coffee, but she does drink tea. It could be the tea… Another thing is that she’s lactose-intolerant, I’m not sure if this has anything to do with it, but she drinks lactose free milk.

What does she normally do for the pain? Heat, ice? Hot epsoms salt bath may help. With stretching there will definately be pain, but sometimes you have to work through the pain. Deep, controlled breathing helps to get through the pain. Has she seen a doctor for this problem? She may have an injury - some kind of fracture or cracked bone. There is an over-the-counter medication called Percogesic that helped me a lot. It helps relieve pain and is a muscle relaxor. Taken in the evening or at nighttime before bed can sooth the pain and relax her enough for her to be able to stretch a little before she goes to sleep.

Danny, when it comes to figuring out things like this over the Internet, the best any of us can do is guess. If this has been goin on for any time at all, your mom needs to get a diagnosis from a healthcare professional.

She should try different docs and different specialist until she gets a diagnosis and recommendations on how to fix/correct the problem that satisfy her. I would not accept an offer of cortisone shots or recommendations of pain killers.

She can and should check with either a physical therapist, an orthopedic doctor (MD) or a DO (Doctor of Osteopathy) or a chiropractor. And don’t just go to any doc. Do the research and find someone who is really good.