Just. Don't. Suck (Part 1)

Acupuncture turned out to be dry needling. She jabbed needles into quite a few tight muscles and left them for a certain amount of time. She also hooked up electricity to a couple of them so it was like getting e-stem.

She had me do a squat afterwards because that always hurts and I was pain free. We’ll see if it improves. I’m going back Wednesday.


I had my second session of dry needling today
It hurt worse and I’m still feeling it. Doc basically finds a tight muscle and then jabs a needle into it. I don’t notice some spots and others definitely get my attention.

I had no pain in my hip doing a bodyweight squat today. I haven’t been able to say that for months. I’m hoping the feeling stays. I’m going to press on with my break which isn’t really that hard anymore. I’m kind of being a baby and I don’t feel like doing anything since I can’t train the way I want. I’ve lost all motivation to do any physical activity. This is a rare phase for me; I think it only happens once every five years or so.


Pathetic Workout

Push-ups x 20, 15, 15
Pull-ups x 10, 8, 6
Standing Ab Wheel (partials) x 10, 10, 10 kneeling
Reverse fly (black band) x 15, 15, 15

Tabata Squats–4 rounds
13, 14, 13, 11

Weighed 220.8 lbs this morning.

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Get better soon! Hopefully the acupuncture can help you!

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I can relate to this so much it’s ridiculous…that motivation will come back (as you logically know) with a vengeance once you’re pain free and are able to feel it out and convince yourself that it isn’t just a fluke.


Is there really a difference? Isn’t dry needling just a SLIGHT variation that western medicine has created from acupuncture which I think was a Chinese practice?

In my ignorance, I would use the terms interchangeably.

It’s kind of neat/disturbing when the needle reaches your muscle and the muscle gives a good twitch.

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I didn’t find much help from acupuncture - always found hands on tissue work more effective.

I have no idea. This is my first experience with needle treatments. I didn’t think the needles went in this far for acupuncture; I always thought it was a superficial poke but that was just an assumption.

I can say with certainty that I’m sore from treatment.

Thanks! Soon is a relative term. At this point January might be soon!

This is a rare phase for me but I’ll let my body have a break. This issue has to go away at some point. I just keep reminding myself of my back injury from 2014.

I sprained ligaments in my SI joint and aggravated or herniated a disc at L3/L4. I’m not sure if it was bulged before but it definitely became symptomatic. I started to have severe nerve pain and loss of muscle function in my right leg but it didn’t show up for 4-6 weeks. My shin went numb and my medial quad shut off. I couldn’t flex it at all. I could do about 6 leg extensions with 30lb before hitting failure. Failure wasn’t the normal burning muscle fatigue; my leg just quit working.

It was a long road to recovery. I remember thinking I might never feel normal again but it finally healed up and I’ve set power clean and deadlift PRs since the injury.

This too will pass…someday .

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Dry needling is used to inactivate trigger points and has literature to support it. Acupuncture is used to disrupt one’s qi and has no to little supporting evidence.


Acupuncture scars me lol. And I enjoy a good visit to the chiropractor myself too.


I haven’t done much lately. My hip is feeling a bit better from the needling treatments. I still have a lot of tight muscles that need to calm the F down so I’m just a few steps in the right direction towards recovery (I hope). I’m still able to get a nice stabbing pain if I flex my hip so that my femur is parallel to the ground and then do some abduction. It feels like there’s a knife in my hip. I’m not even sure which muscle might be affected… or if it’s muscle at all.

On a dietary note, I haven’t eaten meat since Monday. My wife had me watch a documentary on Netflix. Well, she watched it and I was in the room doing something else but I paid attention occasionally. It was called “What the Health”. In a nutshell, some hipster did some research and found studies citing foods that were connected (possibly causes) of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. He then went to the big wigs of companies like The American Heart Association, Susan B Komen’s Race for the Cure, etc.

He found the recommended diets to treat or avoid each disease (diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc) on their websites. And wouldn’t you know it, each site recommended eating the very foods that are connected to causing the specific diseases. He also found that the companies donating to these “causes” produce the products that potentially lead to the diseases.

So basically it appears that these health companies/caurses/whatever they’re called are basically big, evil empires. They all wanted to talk about treatment and cures but none of them wanted to discuss prevention. Hell of deal–prevent the disease and miss out on all that money from treating it?

Short story long, meats were pretty high on the list of bad guys. Processed meats have been categorized as a level one carcinogen which puts it right up there with cigarettes and plutonium.

I know, I know, not all meats are bad and not everything is poison. But in reality, there is so much garbage in our products that there’s probably no way to avoid some sort of contamination. Whether it’s the hormones, antibiotics, or simply the crap that gets into our drinking supply, something we ingest will be harmful (or at least an added risk).

So for the past week I’ve been eating more like a vegetarian. I still eat some eggs because they’re in the fridge and I’m not going to waste them. I still have a large amount of red meat in the freezer. I decided to try the plant based approach for a bit. One contributing factor is that I ate all of my prepared meats and have been too lazy to thaw out some beef and grill it.

One thing I can say with certainty is that I’ve apparently reduced my sodium intake by eliminating meat. I recently received a Blue Line tungsten ring from a local jewelry store. It’s a promotion for police and it has a blue line engraved in the middle. Until this week I’ve had a hard time removing it when I shower. It’s now loose on my finger and feels like it’s going to slide over my knuckle.

End of babbling. Go watch “What the Health” on Netflix. Try to ignore the hippy who made it and just focus on the information.


I think i may have seen that one. I like watching those anti meat documentaries while eating a slab of cow screaming “BRING IT ON HEART DISEASE!”

The carcinogenic processed meat thing is probably the only one that I pay attention to. It does have quite a bit of science backing it up. It doesn’t stop me from eating it but it has made me aware.

Have you felt better lately cutting out meat?


Feel better? No. I have gas that smells like a mass grave. My body is rejecting this so called healthy food. I can eat pure poison like Taco Bell and have no gas but vegetables destroy me.

I’ve probably just increased my carb intake this week. My lunch for the last few days of work has been PB&J, beans & rice, and today I added pasta. I’ve also had broccoli.

Broccoli and beans are not friendly. I keep hoping I’ll get used to them and stop getting all bloated but no luck.

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I read two different analysis of that movie, and the majority of them pointed out that documentary left out a shit ton of info that makes their “findings” obsolete, or that they used data that had been extremely skewed in terms of including all the findings. They pretty much nit picked things they they wanted to touch on, and left good chunks of info out that they didn’t want to acknowledge.


Yup. Mike Israetel had some rather unflattering things to say about it too, and I tend to find he’s on the money.


I love those programs. Those guys and Girls are on fire.
BUT it’s a bit like to much, they are fanatic.
So everything in small portions. take 2 - 3 days without meat. Eat some fish, eat less meat, more veggies, some fruit. Have a glass of wine and a beer. Maybe a nice Malt Whiskey or a Gin Tonic.
Enjoy life, become a better you.
BtW hope life treating you good, and that you hopefully can get back to training soon.

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Thanks, @mortdk!

@planetcybertron @MarkKO, Regardless of any bias on either side no one has ever said a plant based diet is unhealthy. Is it the only way to eat? Absolutely not.

One thing that can’t be argued against is the horrible ways in which we mass produce meat. That’s from a different documentary. The animals live in horrible conditions and suffer horribly.

As a Christian I believe God intended for us to care for his animals…even if we eat them. I know the guy who raises the cow that I buy every year so I at least know it’s treated humanely. He doesn’t even send it to a feed lot to fatten it up before the slaughter. It’s not all natural and grass fed but at least it lives well.

Now I just need to find someone local who can provide me with a couple chickens per week.

I don’t think there’s a “safe” way to eat here in the US. The fish is contaminated with mercury. Cows, chickens, and pigs are full of hormones and antibiotics. And vegetables are covered in fertilizers and pesticides.

We’ve ruined our food supply and fixing it would reduce profits and increase expenses. I don’t see that happening.

Even the “healthy” stuff is a scam. Cage free chickens only have to have a few feet of living space instead of a cage. Free range chickens are still kept inside and only have to have access to the outdoors. That could mean one door to a 10 x 10 ft space shared by thousands of chickens.

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Yeah I can understand that. And of course there’s nothing wrong with a plant based diet. I don’t think I ever said there was? I was just pointing out that if you’re going to make a documentary, make one the professional way. I do realize how terribly we treat animals, as well how bad everything else that we’ve done to eachother as humans and our planet.

And as a fellow Christian as well, I couldn’t agree more. However I realize a lot of this is above me in terms of what I can do about it. But I will do my part as much as I can to ease the suffering of others.

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Those hipsters are always going to be biased and slant their info to support their views.

I don’t buy in to the arguments that product A causes disease A. I’ll admit that it could increase your risk but it’s not a guarantee. Smoking increases your chance of lung cancer, emphysema, and COPD but it’s not a sure thing. I’m not a fan of blanket statements like the ones made in that documentary.

On the flip side I enjoy getting info from a perspective that’s completely different from mine. I have to admit that I’m probably eating less meat because of those documentaries… And my wife, whose vegan.

Hey, same here man. I’ll never be one of those people who just hates vegetarians or vegans, just because I still eat meat. One time I wrote a paper as a project in school, stating a hypothetical proposal for the reform of our agricultural economy. I ended up getting a B+, at first I was upset because I thought my plan was extremely good, but my professor noted a key element that you also mentioned. If what I wrote in my paper were to actually go through it would cost the citizens of the US a shit ton of money just to buy an 8 oz. steak for one person. So I can understand, but in all honesty I wouldn’t mind paying extra for meat if I knew the livestock were being put down gently and with care and had acres worth of living space and were growing to their own genetic potential without antibiotics or steroids or anything else. I understand quite a number of people wouldn’t be able to afford it, but then again, there’s a number of folks who can’t afford the shitty ass food we have now. So I understand why I got the grade that I did. Well thought out, but doesn’t span enough possibilities.

But on the other topic of health there’s a heck of a lot of grey areas. Plus everyone’s body reacts differently to stuff. But I think too much of anything isn’t good. And I eat a crap of veggies as is, I think right now since I’m rather young meat is okay to eat regularly but once I get older I see no need to eat much if any of it. I have one family member who is vegan, and I will say, he makes a kick ass vegan spaghetti and meatball. Lol

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