Jimboslices' Log

Thought i would start a log on here, as i need somewhere to start keep track of my training, what weights im using, my body weight, diet etc and thought this would be a good place to start. i cant be dealing with carrying a pencil and paper with me to the gym and felt that posting here would be better than using a word document as i hopefully people could offer help, support, advice as i progress with my relatively novice lifting career, but the main role of it is purely to keep track of my training and what weights i do each session in order for progression.

i also plan on updateing the increase in muscle size and weight gain so i can track my progress… my main goal is to increase my lean muscle mass without increasing my bf% (which sits around 10 (i think, ive got a 4 pack)

a bit of physical info: (7/9/11)
age - 21
height - 6ft2
weight - 13st2

wasnt sure what measurements were usualy taken to i did my best to measure a few things i thought people would. apologies for the tiny set of wheels hahaha.

calves - 14 inches
quad - 21 inches
waist - 34
stomach (above belly button) -33
chest - 39
biceps - 14
forearm - 11

im having a week off at the moment as i have just started my pcge (teacher training) so am getting settled in but start back with a leg sesh monday!

at the moment im training 4 days a week:
monday - legs (squats, deads, leg presses)
tuesday - chest (presses and flyes)
thursday - back and biceps (rack pulls, pullups, rows, isolation moves for bi’s)
saturday - shoulders and tris (presses, raises, shrugs!!, rear delt work, isolation tricep moves)

most exercises are done for 4 sets of between 8-12 reps for hyperthrophy as that is my main goal… and i usually ensure theres at least 1 or 2 supersets per work out.


Warm up 5 minute steady walk

Squat warm up - bar x 15, 40kg x 10

Squat - 4 x 8-10 (80 kg)

Deadlift - 4 x 10 (85kg)

Leg press - 6 x 8-12 (various foot angles) - 130 kg

Lying leg curl machine - 4 x 10 (30)

after leg press, used machine for calf presses (same weight) x 5 reps


wasnt feeling up to much in the gym today weight wise, dropped 10kg of each of my pressing movemens since i last lifted 2 weeks ago, maybe its due to the early start this morning and relatively low amount of food eaten, plus a pretty taxing workout yesterday.

Incline Bench press - 3 warm up sets, then onto 4 x 10 of 60kg

Incline Guillotine press - 3 x 10 - 40kg

Flat Bench Press - 4 x 8 x 65kg

1 set max reps guillotine press- 40kg

bodyweight dips - 4 x 10

low to medium cable flyes - 4 x 10 (10)

high to low cable flyes - 4 x 12 (20)


back and biceps. this getting up at 7am lark for university is becoming a pain in the ass, im so tired after a long day of uni and my training is sufffering.

rack pulls - warm up workin up to a workin set of 120kg

rack pulls - 4 x 10 (120) final set drop set, taking 20kg off until failure

pullups - 4 x 8,6,6,6 (BW)

cable row - 4 x 10 (50)

…back was fatigued and stopped feeling the exercises, so stopped

cable curls (straight bar) - 4 x 10 (35)

hammer curls (rope) - 4 x 10 (20)

incline d-bell curls - 4 x 10 (8kg each arm)

lat pulldown - 3 sets til failure (40)

shoulders and triceps.

warm up

d bell shoulder press - 4 x 10,10,8,8 (24)

Barbell press from pins - 3 x 10,9,7 (40)

Cable lateral raise x front raise - 3 x 10 (10 + 8)

Cable rear delt flye x facepull - 3 x 10-12 (5 + 15)

Barbell shrug x haney shrug - 4 x 10-12 (90 + 60)

d bell shrug 1 set max reps - 30

tricep push down straight bar - 4 x 10 (25)

Tricep kick backs with rope x overhead extensions - 4 x 10-12 (10)

Tricep dips x rope pulldowns - 3 x 10 (BW x 20)

chest and triceps

warm up.

barbell bench press wide grip - 4 x 10 (75)

drop set, wide to narrow grips (3 grips) 70 kg, 5 reps on each

incline guilotene press - 4 x 10 (40)

decline bench press - 3 x 10 (60)

low to mid cable flyes - 4 x 12 (12.5)

high to low cable fly - 4 x 10 (15)

dips - 3 x 10 (bw)

tricep pushdown - 4 x 10 (25)

rope kickbacks x overheads - 4 x 10 (10)

shoulders and biceps

warm up

neutral grip shoulder press - 4 x 10 (18)

Barbell in corner press - 4 x 10 (15) … 1 x 8 (25)

lateral raise cables - 4 x 10 (10)

rear delt raise x face pulls - 4 x 10 (5)(20)


cable curls (triceps station) x lat pulldown curl - 4 x 10 (20) (15)

rope hammer curls - 4 x 10 (10)

Incline d-bell curls - 3 x max reps (8kg then 6kg)

saturday 24/09/11

bit of everything.

Pullups 4 x 10,10,8,6 (BW)

Seated row 4 x 10 (50)

Lat pulldown 4 x 10 50, 57.5,57.5,50 x Cable Lat pulldown (15)

Rope pulls (cable crossover station) 3 x 10 x amap x amap (30)

Hammer Press - 6 x 8-10 (15,25,35,40,40,35) x Twist press 3 x 10 (10)

Hammer Press drop set - 35,25,15

Shrugs - 3 x 10 (90)

Tricep Pushdown - 4 x 10 (25) x Cable flyes low to mid 4 x 10 (20)

Tricep kickback with rope - 3 x 10 (15,15,10)



Squat worked up to 4 x 5 (70) x 10 BW chin ups

Leg press 3 x 10 (140) x Barbell curl

Rack Pulls worked up to 3 x 10 (130)

Shrugs 3 x 10 (130)


chest and tri;s

decline bench press 4 x 10 (80)

Flat bench press 4 x 10 (60)

1 set max reps bench press (50)

guilotene press 3 x 10 (40)

Cable low to mid flyes - 4 x 10 (12.5)

High to low cable flyes - 4 x 10 (15)

Dips 3 x 10 (BW)

Rope extensions (15)

D-bell skullcrushers x d bell kick back 4x10x10 (6 and 4)

Single arm cable pull downs 3 x 10 (15)

Finisher low to middle cable flye 12.5,10,7.5

(did around 50 pullups inbetween sets as a total …5 at a time)

shoulders and bi’s

d-bell press x front raise 3 x 10/8 (22, 10)

Corner Barbell press 4 x 10 (20)

Lateral raise cables 4 x 10 (12.5)

rear delt flyes standing x facepulls 4 x 10 (12.5, 20)

Barbell x D bell shrugs 4 x amap (110, 26 each hand)

Haney shrugs x 1 arm barbell shurgs 4 x 10 (60, 15)

cABLE curl x lat pulldown curl 4 x 10 (40, 20)

Rope hamer curl 4 x 10 (20)

finsiher: 8kg - incline d bell curl, hammer curl, top half cur x 3


pullups 4 x 10 (BW)

seated row 4 x 10 (57.5)

Lat Pulldown x narrow pulldown 4 x 10 x 10 (50, 25)

Rope pull superset 3 x 10 (35)

Hammer Chest press x twist press 4 x 10 (35, 8)

Cable low to mid flyes 4 x 10 (20)

Tricep rope kickbacks x d BELL Shrugs x rope pull down 4 x 10 (15,42,25)

Pushdown wide x narrow 3 x 10 (15)

monday - chest and bicep

Barbell bench - 4 x 10 (77.5)

D bell incline bench - 4 x 10 (28)

Floor presss - 4 x 10 (55)

Cable flyes low to mid - 4 x 10 (12.5)

Cable flyes high to low - 4 x 10 (20)

Cable curl - 4 x 10 (25) x 20kg weight curl plus hold

Rope hammer curl - 4 x 10 (20)

d bell curls - 8kg 3 sets, 3 variations of curls

wednesday .

Rack pull - 4 x 10 (120) x pullups

Tricep pushdown - 4 x 10

Tricep kickback x overhead extensions - 4 x 10 (20)

Rope pulldowns - 4 x 10 (15)

Haney shrugs x 1 arm barbell shurg - 4 x 10 (70, 25)

saturday - back and chest

Pullups wide grip - 4 x 10,10,8,6 (BW)

seated row - 4 x 10 (57.5)

Bent over row - 4 x 10 (60)

rope pull superset - 3 x 10 (40)

Lat pulldown -

Hammer Chest press - 4 x 10,10,8,8 (80)

Low to mid chest flys - 4 x 10 (20)

Mid to high chest flyes - 4 x 10 (12.5)