Japanese Restaurants

[quote]Nanan wrote:
I use Salmon & Avocado Sushi as my cheat meal 2x a month, it can’t be that bad for ya? Salmon is good, avocado is kinda good but high cholesterol, rice? not so good.[/quote]

Avocado rules all. Don’t believe the bad rap it gets. I eat about 3 a week.

[quote]Nanan wrote:
I use Salmon & Avocado Sushi as my cheat meal 2x a month, it can’t be that bad for ya? Salmon is good, avocado is kinda good but high cholesterol, rice? not so good.[/quote]

Didn’t know rice had such a bad rap. I eat a good 4 cups a day right now.

I am cutting so stuff like rice is generally off the menu.

I would say that Sushi is a good food, just don’t go crazy and eat 5 rolls at once.

There is a LOT of hidden salt in Japanese cooking – and on the table in the soy sauce.
Japanese pickles are done in brine.

So be careful of that end.

A high quality chinese meal from a good place - something with meat and veggies (not deep fried)- is not something to agonize over.

And sushi - raw fish and rice - couldn’t be healthier for you.

Man, I don’t get it. Why do people demonize good foods?