Islamic Terror Won't Go Away

You speaking from experience?

Why doesn’t every country just copy the US Constitution then all countries will be as rich and peaceful as the US.

There’s a certain beauty to the scale of the idiocy that went into making that statement.


Dogs as pets are prohibited under Islam.

When Muslim rule comes what do you plan to do with your dogs? Put it down or hide it Anne Frank style?

Expect England France and Germany to fall to the Muslims in our lifetime

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Ya, no. Serious, you need help. Professional help.

Quite honestly, I’m more worried about people like therajraj taking over the world.


I’m not joking look at the birth rates of whites and the birth rate of Muslims.

If you’re honestly a financial analyst project it out.

It’s called “demographic winter”

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Setting aside the absurdity of White v. Muslim, ISIS can’t even hold Iraq. There is no caliphate. There will never be another Islamic Empire. The golden age of Islam is long over. They have no real power. That is why they resort to acts of terror. Islamic extremism can’t stand against the West let alone defeat it nevermind most don’t even want to.

I would call it something else.

It is - Arab and North African Muslims out breeding white white Europeans is a fact.

But you’re clearly ignoring this. Project Islamic population in these countries vs native population in 2050-2060.

Its not a maybe it’s a matter of time.

What occurs to me is that, back in the early middle ages when Islam genuinely was a militant faith, expansion tended to follow a pattern: first came the hardline fundamentalists, then came a period where Islam became less fundamentalist and more progressive. look at the almohads, for instance. So there’s hope that this problem will go away and the hardline islamic extremists will just mellow the fuck out.

Then why don’t you look at a rabble of nomads that started converting country after country (current population exceeds 1.6 billion) to their political system under the point of the sword and start counting.

Almost every Islamic country came into being by force

So did virtually every country in existence, to be fair, if you go back far enough.

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You’re a fan of Wikipedia so here ya go:

So, 80+ years from now, if trends hold(doubtful) 65% of the population will still be non-Muslim.

Gonna pass. You’re welcome to do it for me.

So did the United States.

You could do this with:
The Greek Empire
The Roman Empire
The Persian Empire
The Mongol Empire
The British Empire
The Ottoman Empire


Where are they now?


Hey, we’ve still got the falklands :smiley:

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10% of Europe while 30-35% of the white European population will be over 65 in countries like Germany. The white European population is going to quickly decline

The majority of the young Will be Muslim children.

Math is just not your friend here. Not that it is normally, but especially not here.


Yep it’s a war.

Which side do you want to prevail? The West or Islam?