Islamic Terror Won't Go Away

You’re talking about the Kurds, by the way.

What races would that be? Made up “European races” because the spread of haplogroups doesn’t match those notions?

Hmmm, only one other poster has ever used the term “cultural Marxists” on here…


Your argument is tantamount to saying, lots of cross breeds and mongrels exist therefore dog breeds don’t exist.

I wonder what Israel meant by this.

Let’s not forget people have no problem comparing the intelligence of dog breeds openly

The difference between dog breeds and the difference between races of humans is probably the best example of apples and oranges I’ve ever seen.

Dog breeds are such that one dog can quite literally be 10x the size of another dog. If you still can’t break down races beyond a dog analogy you might want to get on that.

Pygymies are ~foot shorter than everyone else.

You’re putting a 1.2x height difference akin to a 10x size difference? Wot? I’m now imagining a world where Raj has been elected and he passed something that limits people based on race. When asked how they’re going to put everyone in buckets Raj goes “idk just do it like dogs, okay?”


Edit: especially when you can’t even define dog races beyond purebreds

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I should first explain my definition of “race.” In biological tradition the word race is simply synonymous with the terms “subspecies” or “variety.” The basic unit of classification in modern taxonomy is the species. A species is usually said to consist of a set of individuals capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. If the offspring are not healthy and fertile, then the parent types are considered separate species. Mules are usually sterile so horses and donkeys are thought to be separate species.

However, in biology things are often fuzzy around the edges, and so it is with species. Sometimes what are considered to be separate species in nature can and will freely interbreed when brought together by man. Sometimes their hybrid offspring are partially or fully fertile. As one example of the fuzziness of species, consider Canis familiaris, the common dog, and Canis lupus, the Eurasian wolf. They are considered to be separate species because their habitats and life-styles are different. Within the dog species itself there are many varieties that are quite different in physiology and behavior. The tiny Mexican Chihuahua, would have a hard time mating with an Irish Wolfhound, but they are considered to be of the same species.

When wolves encounter dogs, they usually eat them. But sometimes they mate with them. When they mate it is almost always the male wolf with the female dog. The reverse is rare — male dogs are almost never able to mate with female wolves. The hybrid puppies are usually fully fertile, so by this definition Canis lupus and Canis familiaris are not different species. The point is that species and races are concepts of classification that often blur around the edges. This is because of the very nature of biological reality.

These days humans are thought to constitute one species — Homo sapiens. Humans are in many respects typical of geographically widespread mammalian species in that we are polymorphic (meaning we have “many forms”). This is what appears to us as individual differences. The bell-curve distribution of so many traits — height, weight, strength, intelligence, and the like — illustrates polymorphic traits. We are also typical among widespread mammals in being a polytypic species. Polytypic means “many types;” it is simply a fact of biological reality that not all different groups of humans are the same. Naturally occurring polytypic groups within a species are called varieties, subspecies, or races.

  • Glayde Whitney

Your nose for sniffing out fraudulent dual personas can’t be questioned. :slight_smile:

Also, how did this thread dissolve into the topic of races and dog breeds again?


This does absolutely nothing to practically bucket humans into races. Finding an expert quote saying races exist is useless if you can’t actually apply it.

For the record, I believe race exists. I just accept that in a world of 7 billion people with our level of intermingling, applying races to the population with anywhere near an acceptable margin of error is impossible.

The medical field routinely applies race.

The medical field routinely applies races based on how people self identify (as long as the self id is within reason). Are you suggesting we let the planet self identify their races?

No they don’t.

if Rachel Dolezal walked into a hospital, they would classify her as white.

I’m super curious at how you know this. Furthermore, i’m super curious at how that hospital defines races. Please elaborate.


Some medical procedures are highly contingent upon your race. If they get it wrong, the procedure can literally kill you.

Which I understand. What I don’t understand is how hospitals are deciding people’s races without running DNA tests, and if a DNA test is run, how do they drop people into buckets based on the % that come back. Especially if they don’t work off self identification (within reason) as you say.

Now raj apparently knows how hospitals work. Cool.

[quote=“pfury, post:384, topic:227596, full:true”]

Which I understand.[/quote]

Good then we are in agreement.

Find a doctor to give you further details (not ED)

@therajraj Ima xpost this into Biology of race so we don’t derail.