Is This What "Overtraining" Looks Like?

Well when you say it like that :sweat_smile:
I’ll revisit my methods and improve rep quality/intensity.

A technique I first discovered upon reading about DOGGCRAPP was “chasing the logbook” where it’s about increasing the total weight lifted every session i.e lifting 200lbs 10 times is 2000lbs lifted. I typically just try to chase my previous weights - or at least increase reps, but lately i’ve been stagnant… I think it’s fair to say that having too many sets is a likely contributor though. I guess its’ time to get back to it, but with less volume and more weight :muscle:

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yes, progress is the best way to measure if you are training good enough…
not progressing and training hard 99% of the time would mean you are going too hard or too much/long…
its better to do 10 sets and progress every week for 1 rep, than to do 30 sets and not progress at all for 3 weeks.