Is Meat That Important?

Meat loses versus a vegan diet in every category.

You’ve provided exactly zero evidence of this.


Move the goal posts much? The argument was about sustainable land use.

Sustainable - able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.

Managing land sustainably means that the current state can be maintained indefinitely. A forest is sustainable because it can be a forest year after year. You are not depleting resources faster than they replenish. Sustainable land use not only can be, but is generally less efficient in producing for human needs as a rule.

Sustainable development is a brand of though on balancing human needs and resources. This is a completely different question balancing sustainability and the trade off with production. Even if we look at these goal posts, plants and current farming methods fail miserably too.

You most certainly can manage land use inefficiently, sustainably, and humanely. For example, by not developing it at all.

However you manage your land and whatever size of the land you own, the less meat you eat the better it is in every aspect (when you compare things that are not too far as I said). To think of it, if you really need some animals for the manure you would be better off taking whatever amount you need from other farms who have more than enough of it. You don’t absolutely need manure all the time anyway.

Your point is I am going a have a bunch of land and I am not going to do anything with it, and that will make me greener, more ethical, etc than everybody else. That is pointless to any issue and out of phase with reality.

The evidence are overwhelming, I don’t know where to begin. You can start by exploring the site of the link you posted.

You mean like this:

Or this:


Maybe this one:

Try the impact calculator and choose vegan and not vegan if you can’t figure out anything with informations.

Jasmincar: Try reading the link you provided.

usmc: WWF: “Unsustainable agricultural and aquaculture practices present the greatest immediate threat to species and ecosystems around the world.

Jasmincar: Try the calculator

Okay my man, cognitive dissonance indeed.

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From the link below:

Producing 1 kg of animal protein requires about 100 times more water than producing 1 kg of grain protein. Livestock directly uses only 1.3% of the total water used in agriculture. However, when the water required for forage and grain production is included, the water requirements for livestock production dramatically increase. For example, producing 1 kg of fresh beef may require about 13 kg of grainand 30 kg of hay. This much forage and grain requires about 100 000 L of water to produce the 100 kg of hay, and 5400 L for the 4 kg of grain. On rangeland for forage production, more than 200 000 L of water are needed to produce 1 kg of beef. Animals vary in the amounts of water required for their production. In contrast to beef, 1 kg of broiler can be produced with about 2.3 kg of grain requiring approximately 3500 L of water.

Meat is extremely important! How else are you going to have sausage stuffed portobellos? Or steak?

Without meat the world would suck. Look at the places that don’t have meat for one reason of another. They suck! You want to live there? Go right the fuck ahead.

And animals of all types- what would they be without meat? Skeletons, that’s what! Nobody wants that. Picture a cute little squirrel bounding and scurrying. Now remove all of the viscera. Not good is it? Like Jeffrey Dahmer got his crazy hands on the entire animal kingdom.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t want to live in a world without meat.

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That’s a bloody good post, young man

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Someone Told me to contact you to find a Hardcore gym on the south shore . I want to learn from experienced lifter

Lol, infortunately I am on the north shore, I don’t know the south shore much.

What is your conclusion? Since one is (less) unsustainable, it doesn’t matter how unsustainable anything else is?

Let’s apply that logic to something else…

Since our income is taxed at 20%, we might as well be taxed at 50%. Either way, we’re going to be taxed.

My conclusion is that making blanket statements about how vegan diets are sustainable is flat out wrong. The WWF (the link I was supposed to read) states:

“Unsustainable agricultural and aquaculture practices present the greatest immediate threat to species and ecosystems around the world.”

That does not meet the criteria for sustainable development, the term us hillbilly “Republicans” were supposed to look up.

The bottom line is that the link you posted, which I’m sure is fine factually, says right in the abstract that it is only in a “limited sense” that a lactoovovegetarian diet is more sustainable.

Clearly the way things are done now is not sustainable regardless of what our diet consists of.

That’s a terrible example and doesn’t apply the logic at all. If anything it applies the logic backward.

Using your example, assume up to 10% taxation is sustainable. Now apply the logic. 50% is less sustainable than 20%, but 20% is still not sustainable. Is 20% better than 50%, sure in a “limited sense”.

Actually, according to jasmin’s definition of sustainable development it requires taking what humans need from the land. If we include this, animals are necessary for optimal health. Therefore animals have to be included for optimal sustainability. Looking exclusively at things like calories is short sided. 100 calories of wheat <> 100 calories of liver for the human body.

Ironically, the calorie per acre argument also works strongly against low calorie vegetable and fruit foods too. If this argument is following to its logical, end without consideration for health and longevity, we’d need to stop growing veggies and start growing exclusively grains, potatoes, and soy. Because typical vegan cabbages and kale use too many resources for the number of calories they produce. The argument also works against organic practices since yields are lower, which is also a typical of a vegan diet.

Do you guys have compost piles and work bins?

Are you recycling?

I brought up the fact that it takes 100 times more water to produce a kilo of animal protein than it does grain protein because you stated agriculture uses more water than the meat industry, but you didn’t mention how much of that water is used to grow food for animals in the meat industry.

Where did I state vegan diets were sustainable? Did I mention anything about sustainability? The article does and I only linked it for a reference.The only thing I specifically mentioned was the water requirement for grain protein vs animal protein and it’s pretty clear that animal protein requires more water pound for pound.

The example I used works for the conclusion I put forward. It doesn’t work for the conclusion you put forward, nor does your conclusion address the copy and paste I put up from the article which is about water consumption and nothing more.

For the record, I eat meat.