Is It OK To Be White? I'm Not Sure

First amendment protects you from the federal government. Employers can punish you for speech all day.


The NBA isn’t the government. And wealthy capitalists aren’t exactly married to the defense of rights. Whatever protects earning the most goes.

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Cis-gendered privilege. They exist and are here to stay, loppar! Acknowledge their IA+!

Edit: Jjust kidding, man. I really like you and enjoy your presence here. No homo.

More than one.

LGBTQIAPK=Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Intersex Asexual Pansexual/Polygamous Kink

I thought the Q was for “questioning”?


No idea what “ally” is and I doubt I want to.

“Ally” is just a term used to describe someone who’s supportive of the others.

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Really? Seems pretty dumb even for this ever expanding list.

Holy shit that’s communism. I’m not talking about FOX talking head screaming how the Dems will usher a Venezuela style apocalypse but actual hammer-and-sickle communism.

It’s literally the same. Whenever you uttered some sort of verbal statement, you had to perform verbal penance for your possible bourgeois ancestry, i.e. privilege, and apologize to descendants of the disadvantaged.

For example, Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space because he had better “lineage” that German Titov who had “bourgeois” ancestors (schoolteacher parents)

It’s crazy seeing that being replicated in the US.


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How does cross sectioning work? Are white LGBTTQQIAAP (pulled this from Wikipedia) oppressing non-white LGBTTQQIAAP? Is there a gender or genders that are discriminating others inside the community?

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Maybe not. However, my ability or inability to tell has no bearing on what she is, in the same way my ability or lack thereof has no bearing on what are the breeds/races of any living beings. Nor does it mean we should entirely scrap such classifications or botch our language.

I’m not that important.

To do so is now a form of blasphemy

It would seem that a non-“ally” member of of one letter group could be seen as discriminating against some of the other letters.

I agree with this. Even emotional and moral support helps people immensely, I believe.

Now I’m genuinely curious about this, what happens when you don’t treat people as human beings and try to reduce their actions/interests/rights to a cross section of several ever shifting identities…

What’s the dynamic between, let’s say, someone of Jewish ancestry from LGBTTQQIAAP who’s pro-Israel and a Palestinian who’s also LGBTTQQIAAP? Is the former the oppressor and the latter oppressed per postmodernist doctrine or does their enmity to the heteronormative binary environment (did my newspeak homework) take precedence over their political/religious leanings?

How does one navigate such an insane maze? Is there a manual in pdf somewhere?

I getcha. But it’s always been the argument with ‘free’ markets here. The baker shouldn’t have to serve everyone a wedding cake (my belief). And, the NBA can fine anyone it wants for language it considers offensive to its paying customers.

The Market doesn’t necessarily care about liberties and rights if nobody is paying for it to care.

That’s why you need a frightening and unifying adverary so as to keep it all together under the umbrella. The cis-gendered white male. Oh, and lately, white women are falling out of favor as they’ve proven to be much too unreliable in their voting habits .

So Trump is Doctor Manhattan?

I don’t know who that is. However, I vaguely recall a Dr. Detroit from my youth. Any relation?

He’s a Godlike character with a really big dick from Watchmen.

"Unsuccessful, he shows them a televised news report in which Nixon states that the two superpowers have allied against their new “common enemy”: Dr. Manhattan. "