Is High E2 Affecting Libido but Not Erections?


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Dismissing it as rubbish doesnt change the amount of guys lowering their T dose to mitigate E levels with the addition of an AI.

You mean people who have E2 problems often lower their dosage and if it is not sufficient they add an AI.

But in general higher dosages make an AI more useful.

E2 problems are the boogeyman. It exists to some and it doesnt to others. I dont know what an E2 problem is, but I wont dismiss it.

@middleages response here is spot on.

Iā€™m almost 2 weeks past my last injection and have felt honestly, quite good. Iā€™m waiting for my new SC syringes to arrive (27g 1/2 inch) because Amazon is now not shipping them so I had to find somewhere else.

I simply canā€™t do 22g 1inch myself anymore. I just canā€™t bring myself to do it.

Iā€™ve noticed my bloat disappear, Iā€™ve felt thinned out, and my erection strength is back.

I 100%, even on 120mg/week IM, was seeing estrogen sides. Iā€™m over 30% BMI as well so, no doubt there.

My script is 140mg/week but my endo hasnā€™t changed it and doesnā€™t care.

I do have tinnitus which drives me insane, and that only started after TRT.

However, I will probably go to 60mg twice a week once new syringes arrive. I am long past due my injection and donā€™t feel bad, if anything, I feel better.

I think when starting TRT, the 120-140mg/week on the ride up feels amazing, and once you get loaded, the estrogen starts to build, and the water retention starts, then the hypertension.

The craziest thing, my BP has gone from 150/100, to 130/80 simply by not injecting for this period of time. So, Iā€™m sticking to 100-120mg/week and Iā€™m going to go SC. My only worry is putting 0.5-0.6mL in one go half inch in, so I guess twice weekly is the only way.

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Subq increased My e2 a shit ton in comparison to im

Whenever My e2 is high, i get tinitus. AI removes it.

I had a similar experience quite a while back. In that when I dropped it in over a week for some reason random god like erections came back as well as a clearer mind (no/less brain fog).

Iā€™m going to finally compare my E2 numbers on injections versus Jatenzo.

What is Jatenzo? I thought Xyosted was the only auto-injector.

Yeah Iā€™ve regained 30 pounds and have plenty of leftover test bottles. I donā€™t think Iā€™m hitting full injections anymore because my body is saying to me, stop injecting so much. It knows something is off. But, my brain fog is bad, my memory is shit, my lipids are bad, and I produce 0 ear wax now. Lot of weird stuff from shutting off natural production.

The only noticeable thing is I have a full beard now (from 0 facial hair), and just have a better sense of self. Whatever insane metabolism boost I had the first year, thatā€™s gone. I did switch from Wallgreens to CVS which switched the brand of test but, itā€™s pharma so shouldnā€™t be a difference. I donā€™t know but I donā€™t feel much from TRT now besides anxiety, hypertension, and thicker blood.

Jatenzo (FDA approved) is a relatively new oral T capsule taken twice daily, it produces peak levels within 2 hours, labs are drawn at 4 hours and trough levels are at 12 hours.

Jatenzo is best taken with food, preferably with 30 grams of fat since that is the mechanism for which it is absorbed in the intestines.

The recommended starting dosage for Jatenzo is 237 mg twice-daily. The clinical trial had most of the participants at 237 mg.

The tinnitus can be caused as a direct result of the fluid retention caused by the high estrogen, so if you can deal with the fluid retentionā€¦

You could try dandelion root if you are dealing with fluid retention and maybe that fixes your tinnitus.

I actually can experience fluid retention without any bloating, and I have no visible signs of fluid retention.

I also had a vitamin C deficiency, which helps create collagen for your skin, which is what your eardrums are made of.

The vitamin C was the last piece of the puzzle to get rid of my tinnitus.

Why did you go to 140 then?

This isnā€™t TRT and can cause abnormally high E.

What? This most certainly is within range for TRT for some people.

@cliteastwood 225 mg of T per week?

Feeling great, why not push it a little higher?

Iā€™m not really sure where it all fell apart. I honestly think when I started using 27g 1/2 inch needles instead of 21g 1.5 inch.

I think the SC injections have lead to just poorer absorption and a lower T:E ratio.

Increased water retention has given me tinnitus, and also chronic neck pains / hypertension like headaches.

Or maybe my diet is shit and I donā€™t exercise enough. All I know is my neck kills me like a nerve is being pushed on on my left trap and it only happens when I feel bloated.

Absolutely. I personally know someone who doesnā€™t have symptom relief with anything less than 250 mg per week. There are some people who need more than the majority of us. Just like some need less.

What is his T value at 225? What symptoms?