Is a Dozen Eggs a Day Too Much?

I do not think this raises chol. but the simple fact of the matter is 12 eggs includes around ~70g of fat.

That in itself may be problematic if following a low fat diet, and the larger percentage of this is saturated… which is also not great.

I would be using just the egg whites along with say ~50% of the yolks personally.

Actually Brook, I’m fairly certain that the fat in egg yolks is pretty evenly split between the three groups.

Just another reason why some refer to the egg as nature’s perfect food.

I ate 4 eggs, 5-7 days a week for probably around 8 months. I don’t know if I developed an allergy or anything caused from overeating them, but I now can’t eat them without my stomach/chest going psycho.

I know a lot of people have eaten much more without problems so I’m not going to say my experience was normal, but I would still be cautious. If you ever feel tired of eggs, think about taking a break for a week or two.

[quote]chillain wrote:
Actually Brook, I’m fairly certain that the fat in egg yolks is pretty evenly split between the three groups.

Just another reason why some refer to the egg as nature’s perfect food.[/quote]

I see - not so bad after all i guess. :wink:

[quote]Eielson wrote:
I ate 4 eggs, 5-7 days a week for probably around 8 months. I don’t know if I developed an allergy or anything caused from overeating them, but I now can’t eat them without my stomach/chest going psycho.[/quote]

Meh, you just got feed up (literally) with them :smiley:

if i could be arsed to make 10 or more i’d eat them, normally have about 4 to make scrambled eggs with then mabye a couple of hard boiled for snacks, but i don’t see the problem with eating 12, just dont eat all the yolks.

Papa Nick…keep us updated on your gains if you will. I’m interested to see how you progress, because if you’re eating a dozen a day (assuming these are quality eggs) you’re going to be getting a serious dose of amino acids, which will do great things for you’re muscle growth.

On a second note, I once heard Milos Sarcev say that people confuse the notion of eating “protein” as only a macro-nutrient, but should look at it as consuming “amino acids”. He says most people don’t realize why they need to eat protein, and it is strictly because of the amino acid profile of high quality protein. Which is why counting protein from oatmeal, beans, grains, veggies, or nuts, is not nearly as significant as from EGGS, or animal protein, and of course, a great quality protein powder. Took me a while to realize that.

It is perfectly fine to count non-complete protein sources as long as the amino ratio is complimentary.

This is how veggie or vegan BB’s do it.