Intravenous GH Administration?

is anyone still currently practicing this method? I have read enough studies now to know that this would be a far superior route of administration. But I also know that three to four injections a day using IV route can be troublesome. I’m not “scared” per se, I have no problem doing this as I’m very competent.

What I am concerned about is the frequency of injecting in this manner will almost guarantee a few mishaps that could be very unhealthy. Sure if it was once a day I could almost see it, but three times a day, finding a new spot, making sure you’re in, and then more importantly making sure you’re not screwing up a valve OR giving yourself a hemotoma.

I know that openly discussing the procedures would be a no no, but I’m wondering if anyone could generally speak on their experience with this and talk about the pros and cons they experienced.

I am doing 5iu’s/day Monday to Fiday, split 3 times a day : Morning, preworkout and post.
All are IM shots.
If i were to do IV shots, should the dose and frequency be the same and just change from IM to IV?

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:

[quote]Viol8 wrote:
I am doing 5iu’s/day Monday to Fiday, split 3 times a day : Morning, preworkout and post.
All are IM shots.
If i were to do IV shots, should the dose and frequency be the same and just change from IM to IV?

You might do one 5 iu shot pretraining, but the others do not need to be more than 2iu, since they are primarliy there to trigger lipolysis. You could up the freq to ‘compensate’ or just not use as much GH.


Can i do 1iu am, 3iu’s pretraining and 1iu post training?
For the IV shot, do i use the same insulin pin and scringe that i use for the IM shot or should a bigger needle and scringe be used?

Thanks BBB, appreciate the reply.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Honestly, I don’t recall a single IV shot that I messed up in a way that even remotely put my health or life at risk.

In fact the worst event was simply a noticeable mark on my arm.

I simply look for a prominent vein on my forearm, slide the pin in, aspirate, inject, withdraw, wipe, done.

Average twice per day. OK, so I only recently started up again with the IV, since I’m happy to reuse pins for IM shots but not IV and the hassle of safely disposing of all those used monojects was becoming unfeasable.

But now that I have restarted the IV GH, I’m a happy, happy man. I feel the effects of IV GH almost immediately and the energy surge, whilst subtle is prolonged, smooth and effective.

But I suppose I should add the standard disclaimer: I’m not advising anyone to inject anything intravenously. There’s a slim chance that you are the kind of person who could mess this simple procedure up and I don’t want to be held accountable for your inability to accurately follow a simple procedure that 1000s of messed up junkies manage to follow safely every day.

You get pharma-quality gear? I would be worried about IVing anything short of Humatrope/Saizen/etc.