Intermediate getting strong

The plan:


  1. Linear progression 3 days a week (Starting Strength template) back up to strength #s before the cut
    –SQ 325 3x5
    –DL 325 1x5
    –OHP 135 3x5
    –BP 210 1x4
  2. Linear progression as far as possible beyond those numbers
  3. Linear progression with 2x/week, with a light day in the middle
  4. Madcow intermediate 5x5

Maintenance for 4-6 weeks.
Then 500 daily calorie surplus, adjusted to gain 3-4 lbs/month

Previous history:
March 2011-August 2011: weight loss with 5/3/1
May 2010-February 2011: stronglifts 5x5, then 3x5, then 2x/week

Age: 33
Height: 5’8.75"
Weight: 184.8lbs
Waist: 37.75
BF% (scale): 19.1


  1. stay injury free
  2. SQ/DL 455 by Dec 31, 2011