Interesting phenomenon...

Hmmm…I think US = GG is actually Ann Coulter. Welcome, Ann! What’s your max bench?

Of course being on US=GGs list means something - although I’m not entirely sure what. I have to admit that I feel sorrier for US=GGs list of good guys that I do being on the bad guy list.

Cake, my friend, I told you that people loved you and not me… Maybe I should swear more…


We’re on, a monumental Flame-War it is then…works for me but if I type too fast for you just ask me to slow down …okay?

To avoid having to separate the two half-wits (Hey, together they make a WHOLE WIT!), I will henceforth refer to the both of you little girls as US=Bitches, a title that your constant whining about how wonderful, well, how wonderful EVERYTHING about your country is has earned you a few times over. After all, nothing whines like a little bitch…

You, US=NaziFuckhead will be #1… even better than a list, you get a number!

US=Bitch#1’s conversation with the mirror in the morning to prepare himself mentally and spiritually for the big day ahead defending Freedom, Apple Pie and the American way of life from those that would poison the well of Freedom with insidious questions and agendas that do not toe the party line:

US=Bitch#1: "I am fun to be with. Because I’m good enough, I’m smart enough and doggone it, people like me. Well, not everybody. But that’s their problem. And your problem. Well, O.K, no one likes me, maybe I should spew more intolerant hyperbole and claim victory!

Mirror: (actually US=Bitch in falsetto voice…): Yes, that and trim your nose hair!

US=Bitch#1:“I don’t have to be right, I just have to be LOUDER…and then when my victims are shaking their heads in disbelief at my entirely unsubstantiated claim of victory, I can dance around my Mom’s basement shirtless singing “We are the Champions” from Queen”

Mirror:“Remember, your Mom told you to turn it down last time you celebrated over the United States failure to find WMD’s but claimed it as an IMMINENT VICTORY anyway and tripped over the cats food dish and broke Mom’s pickled eggplant jars and the juice spilled all over your Classic “He-Man, Masters of the Universe” bed cover”

US=Bitch#1:“Big deal, I got a new Backstreet Boys blanket out of the deal anyway, didn’t I?”

Mirror:"Yeah but she made you stay home from Pat Buchanans big speech at the “It’s MY GODAMN FREEDOM or NO GODAMN FREEDOM” rally

US=Bitch#1: Sure hated to miss that, good thing I caught David Duke at the hangin’, he even signed my hood!

Mirror:“Please put your pants back on”

US=Bitch#1:What you don’t like pink ruffles?"

Mirror:“Only on women”

and so on it goes…

I could do this all night and if you continue to display the bad judgement that got you here in the first place, I probably will. You are too used to regurgitating Rush Limbaugh tirades and have lost the ability to develop and articulate independent thought let alone anything remotely funny.

Stick to politics.

You’re no good at it but at least everyone already knows how much of a buffoon you are in that arena, don’t display yet another area where you have no skills.

…and NaziFuckhead, this is all in good fun but I truly do think that you are the most intolerant, dangerous mind since Oral Roberts.

Have a Great Day,


“Moral cowardice that keeps us from speaking our minds is as dangerous to this country as irresponsible talk. The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character”

~ Margaret Chase Smith

The Cakes fed up. Thats an understatement. ;0)

Who exactly are you talking to?


“The list of sins committed by advertising is limited only by the creativity of its critics”

~ Jerry Kirkpatrick

Another verbal ass raping by the CAKE! You know, some kids just can’t resist poking the big, sleepy dog with a stick. US=GG, I don’t know what possessed you to poke the dog, but I’m sure enjoying the entertainment at your expense.

Two lists in one day. Now my mother is going to be REALLY proud!

Heheh. Oh me or my!!! Such language!!! My little ears are not used to such new asshole tearing rant! I just wanted to state that the whole goodguy/badguy thing is a bit weak. The way I see it, is if you demonize your enemy you will never understand him and thus will never come to anything but a violent conclusion. But apparently everyone is right in their own mind and will not look at anything from anothers point of view. I try to look at an arguement and argue it from the other side, to see if I could possibly be wrong. A good idea no? Ah well. Just remember folks I’m dead fuckin sexy. Buyah!!! :wink:

Wow… This thread took some interesting and unexpected turns!

So, should I be offended that I didn’t make either list? :wink:

Don’t worry US… I know which list you would relegate me to.

Cake, yer killin’ me. God, I hope I never piss you off! My poor little sphincter was hurting and I wasn’t even the one who got verbally anally raped with a 10" thick barbed dildo!

For some of you that are choosing to insult people on his “list” you may want to consider something. We didn’t ask to be placed on any list, nor do some of us care about his list.

I think for myself and could give two shits what people think about me or my opinions.

Your insults are misplaced and unfortunate.

You have gone WAY TOO FAR. Calling me a “nazi fuckhead” is totally uncalled for. That is definetly not funny. In fact, if I was the censor, that would have been removed. I’ve seen your pics. I CAN GUARANTEE ONE THING: YOU WOULD NEVER SAY THOSE THINGS TO ME IN PERSON. You look about as big as I was when I was 16, BEFORE I started lifting. You might want to actually lift weights before trying to act like a tough guy. I actually couldn’t tell you lifted when you had your shirt on. It wasn’t much more obvious with your shirt off. Here is a friendly suggestion, spend less time on the forum, and some time in the gym (working out).
I have read a few of your previous posts. I cannot find a single “big word” to justify you looking down on ANYONE. I think you have been overpromoted and you are demonstrating hubris. You also demonstrate a dangerous lack of understanding of the English language. Want an example? I thought you would.
“I will henceforth refer to the both of you little girls as US=Bitches, a title that your constant whining about how wonderful, well, how wonderful EVERYTHING about your country is has earned you a few times over. After all, nothing whines like a little bitch…”
Do you little sycophants realize how many grammatical errors this “intellectual” just made. My God, he needs about four more commas and several periods. Making one’s major points using profanity is the sign of a VERY SMALL MIND.
Do some of the posters think this guy is intellectual because he uses quotes? I think one of the signs of a true intellectual is the ability to exhibit creativity and originality of thought. Unfortunately, cupcake cannot even use these quotes in proper context. I’ll demonstrate how it should be done.

“The worst-tempered people I’ve ever met were the people who knew they were wrong.
Wilson Mizner (1876 - 1933)”
That demonstrates quite clearly why cupcake is always ranting. I see cupcake as a guy who is missing most of his molars because he is constantly grinding his teeth.

“To be one’s self, and unafraid whether right or wrong, is more admirable than the easy cowardice of surrender to conformity.
Irving Wallace”
That is how cupcake and the bad guys view the Iraq crisis. Oh, france and germany don’t like the idea, I had better join the bandwagon.

“The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his own way.
Josh Billings (1818 - 1885)”
I would have thought cupcake’s foolishness would have been obvious. However, some posters feel this guy is witty. Therefore, I must show them their error.

“The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.
Hubert H. Humphrey (1911 - 1978)”
This is how I viewed cupcake until he called me a “nazi fuckhead.” Then it became serious and personal.

“I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)”
Exactly. That is why I don’t use them.

"A facility for quotation covers the absence of original thought.
Lord Peter Wimsey, “Gaudy Night”
Need I say more?
In summary, I have rarely heard anyone talk so much and say so little. Your arguments are as weak as your arms. You might want to start going to the gym AND the library.

Cake - that was just simply hilarious, and I think it got the point across. Maybe, just maybe…

US=GG - I have to say that you are wrong in your quotation grammar. You only “quote” the sentence, and not the speaker/writer. After the closing quotation mark you place the speaker/writer’s name, followed by a comma, then the dates of their life or the date of the quote.

“I don’t give a shit”
JWright, 1981-Present

"A facility for quotation covers the absence of original thought.
Lord Peter Wimsey, “Gaudy Night”
Need I say more?

You do realise that Lord Peter Whimsey is a character from a book by Dorothy L Sayers, so strictly speaking you’re quoting Dorothy L Sayers, not Lord Peter Whimsey.

That you take exception to Cupcake making personal statements is ironic in the extreme, and perhaps even more hypocritical.

BTW: For clarification, I believe Cupcvake is calling you a Nazi in the adjectital sense, that is, your actions and manner are characteristic of actions/ ideology used by the Nazis. You would have to be quite old to be an actual Nazi, and if you were that old, then your rants could be attributed to alzheimers.

However, to the point in hand, your Nazi-like behaviour. [Briefly]

You are ideologically dogmatic and nationalistic to the point of accepting unproven dogma as fact.

There is a huge difference between patriotism and ultra-nationalism.

You constantly categorise groups into us and them adn objectify those groups with whom you disagree as the enemy or bad guys.

You constantly ridicule any information source, which fails to satisfy your criteria for veracity but fail, and indeed refuse, to apply the same standards to your own sources.

You preach hate and I pity you more than you offend me.

You call me “terrorist.” cupcake calls me “nazi fuckhead.” That is not funny and I take those comments very seriously. Those words exemplify hatred.
You trying to defend cupcake’s use of the word “nazi” just proves my point about you and your fellow malcontents.
As a side note, if you are going to criticize my grammar, you might want to check your posts. They do you no credit.

Iscariot, you haven’t had a single civil thing to say about the United States, its government, its citizens, its policies, or anything else US related for that matter. NOT A SINGLE ONE! What would be really nice would be to hear something positive from you, because from where I’m sitting your political viewpoints are as cliched as US=GG’s, just on the other side of the mirror. Did that ever occur to you, that to some people that don’t neccessarily agree with you that you sound just as bad? (OK, maybe not as colorful). If you can manage to say one decent thing about the USA, I will be impressed.

I see that you don’t want to play this little game of FUNNY one-upmanship and have fallen victim to Spellcheck-itus and Grammar-policicus to demonstrate my intellectual inferiority…O.K, if that’s all you got, I guess we can just tell each other how we feel then although I honestly feel that the “Dr. Phil” method is going to be MUCH less entertaining for the Nation than the “Who’s line is it anyway” trail but if you can’t play, you can’t play.

Your posting history has demonstrated a firm inability to actually read, comprehend and respond to your victims posts, so I won’t bother going through your comments one by one but I will comment on…"I CAN GUARANTEE ONE THING: YOU WOULD NEVER SAY THOSE THINGS TO ME IN PERSON.…Now, THAT IS FUNNY!, see, you do get the whole humour thing, you can do it if you try Fat Boy and yes I would because I am Bigger, Meaner and way more Man than you of course to issue threats over the internet would be kind of Gay, wouldn’t it.

Wouldn’t it?

I am sure that when you post your pics, we will all see that you are much more than 230 and a whole lot less than 12%…yeah, O.K Bigconan…O.K…

The thing that you are missing here is:

A) I don’t know that anyone (out of all these sycophants as you so colourfully called them) has ever accused me of being an intellect. Nor have I myself ever made the claim. I am NOT AN INTELLECT!..there, you have it…it’s true, it’s true! A few have however taken to my personal sense of style and use of comedic device. For this I am deeply appreciative and humbled that someone likes my “Stuff”. You will be stricken from the 'Cake Mailing list immediately.

And, no you may not have your 'Cake Club dues refunded.

B)…Damn, I just read iscariots “Nazi” context and he hit it right on the head. You, Mr “Good Guy” are that and more, you actually believe that you are the “Mr. Blackwell” of patriotism and it’s funny but funny in the wrong way.

I mean for you it is, for the rest of us it’s still funny in a “Good” way.


C)The quotes never have nor ever will “BE” the argument, more often than that they simply relate to a theme, thought or even just a word in my post, it’s just to make my posts more readable, you know, so that people “enjoy” reading them. Try it sometime, you would be surprised at the nice things people will say to you if you are kind and try to contribute to our little community instead of take from it with intolerance, anger and vitriolic, venomous attacks on those who DARE disagree with you.

I am finished here, I believe unless you would care to make the effort to be creative in this little tete-a-ete, it’s really not much better than the usual sludge that you drag all posts down to just that the only thing we are disagreeing on here is how big a Tool you are as opposed to your President (who I like, so don’t even start…)

“We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect. The judgement of the intellect is only part of the truth”

~ Carl Gustav Jung


… and the winner is…


US=GG, never criticised your grammar, that was another bad guy.

So, what you’re saying is that you can can call other people names, but they can’t return the favour.

And where, precisely, the exact quote, have I called you a terrorist???
