Insulin-question for John Berardi

This is a question for John Berardi. I have an important question to ask John about his Massive eating, part2 article. The results of my insulin and glucose tests just came back, and I’m trying to do the calculations to see if I’m insulin sensitive or resistant. But there’s a problem. In calculating insulin sensitivity, I have no idea what your equation is for it. Insulin/22.5xE to the X e-ln(glucose) makes no sense, at least in the form it’s in. What’s X? X is a variable, and there are no variables here. If you mean e^ln(x), then that’s just x. The euler’s number raised to the natural log equals whatever number is in the natural log. Thirdly, do you mean the equation to mean Insulin/(22.5xE whatever) or (Insulin/22.5)x(E whatever). Please verify what the exact form of the equation is, or at least explain it more clearly so I can understand it. I’m a little nervous right now because I think I’m insulin resistant. Thank you.
p.s. My glucose was measured in mg/decL. Is this the same as mmol/L?

If your insulin is in pmol/L then use this one:

[Fasted Insulin (pmol/L) x Fasted Glucose (mmol/L)]/135

The conversion for glucose is: to get from ng/dl to mmol/L you need to divide the ng/dl value by 18…

If the insulin is in mU/L then use this one:

Fasted Insulin (mU/L)/22.5e-ln(fasted glucose in mmol/L)

For this one, the conversion from ng/dl is the same for glucose. And the e is actually raised to the negative natural log of your fasted blood glucose value. So it’s the insulin value divided by (22.5 multiplied by the value produced by e raised to the neg nat log of the fasted glucose number in mmol/L.)

Duh! :-)

In trying to translate the article so that readers might better understand it, I think the editors made it more confusing.