Indigo-3G During Cut Diet?

For the moment 13%BF and 68kg. Want to get under 10%BF and stay there.
Work out 3x/week.
I am using the Indigo-3G/Plazma/Mag-10 combo and I’m having very good workouts and strengths gains.
Since I want to get leaner, I am cutting for the moment:
maintenance 33 x bodyweight 68kg = 2244calories.
-20% (2244x0,80) is 1795 calories daily.
Macro’s 20%fat, 35%protein (=2,5g/kg bodyweight), 45%carbs

I read with Indigo-3G I can have more carbs: estimation of %?
More calories as well: how many? How do I calculate?

Any advice, please?