Incredible Libido From Alpha Male!

[quote]Goodfellow wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
Please define libido.

Does it mean you are getting wood all the time or just increased thoughts of sex?

what do you think about when you get wood? Knitting a sweater?[/quote]


[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
smallmike wrote:
I think libido is overrated.

Holy jeez.
Humanity is seriously going down the drain. Sex is humans greatest physical pleasure and there are people on here saying its overrated. Tsk tsk tsk.[/quote]

The only people that say it’s overrated are the people who aren’t gettin’ any! Or maybe they are gettin’ some but it’s not very good.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
Please define libido.

Does it mean you are getting wood all the time or just increased thoughts of sex?[/quote]

Ask and you shall receive!

li?bi?do - /li-bee-doh/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[li-bee-doh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
?noun, plural -dos.

1.Psychoanalysis. all of the instinctual energies and desires that are derived from the id.
2.sexual instinct or sexual drive.

[quote]Goodfellow wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
Please define libido.

Does it mean you are getting wood all the time or just increased thoughts of sex?

what do you think about when you get wood? Knitting a sweater?[/quote]

Are you trying to imply knitting isn’t sexy?

[quote]dre wrote:
rrjc5488 wrote:
smallmike wrote:
I think libido is overrated.

Holy jeez.
Humanity is seriously going down the drain. Sex is humans greatest physical pleasure and there are people on here saying its overrated. Tsk tsk tsk.

The only people that say it’s overrated are the people who aren’t gettin’ any! Or maybe they are gettin’ some but it’s not very good.[/quote]

Actually I think the people who AREN’T getting any have the most libido.

[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
Goodfellow wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
Please define libido.

Does it mean you are getting wood all the time or just increased thoughts of sex?

what do you think about when you get wood? Knitting a sweater?

Are you trying to imply knitting isn’t sexy?

um…wow…just, just wow…

This is not my first post. I do not work for Biotest. I love Alpha Male. It really makes a difference in the gym, and in my libido.

Everyone may not get the same thing from it, but I know it works for me.


[quote]Goodfellow wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
Please define libido.

Does it mean you are getting wood all the time or just increased thoughts of sex?

what do you think about when you get wood? Knitting a sweater?[/quote]

he thinks about meaty women

[quote]Goodfellow wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
Please define libido.

Does it mean you are getting wood all the time or just increased thoughts of sex?

what do you think about when you get wood? Knitting a sweater?[/quote]

Well wool comes into mind with both topics :wink: