Increased DOMS Off Cycle?

I’ve noticed a MARKED increase in DOMS in my recent weeks of being off, is this to be expected? I’m talking very tender even to the touch. I’m normally ready to lift 2 days after a workout, now it’s more like a week!

Welcome back to the human world, Tim!


You’re certainly not experiencing anything out of the ordinary. Unless we both have problems.

Try taking a week off of legs while natural then increasing intensity the following week. I had to skip my deadlift training because I could even touch my hamsrings due to the pain. And I still got 2 more months of this shit before I can start up again. I am beginning to think that 18 weeks off is too long.

on cycle I am sore for a day after I really work a body part.

off cycle I have to tone it down cause if i do the same work I am dead for a week almost.

I saw a t-shirt that I love and it says.
whats superhuman to you is normal to us.
boy,its so true too.

I believe that is the toughest quote ive heard of in years

I believe that is the toughest quote ive heard of in years nich