"I'm Not Doing It For Others"

They can walk faster than I can run… so… :sweat_smile:

I’ll be damned. The 1 mile speedwalking record is 5:36.

Yeah, that’s considerably faster than I can currently run.

Jesus Christ, I’m actually a bit impressed. My best EVER mile was 5:52. These dudes could outwalk me running in my prime lol

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I just re-checked it… I had made a mistake, lol.

The world record is 5:31 :laughing:

So impossible that some people are faithful for decades?

I used to lift for my appearance to others. Vanity still plays a role, but that reason has greatly diminished. I actually don’t think of myself for much of my days; my mind is occupied with other concerns, work, other people, obligations, etc.

What is the general thesis of your post? Is it that those who say they do it for themselves full of it?

Who knows man

I think OP wants to get jacked and is prepared to go full cuckold in order to do so


Has anyone ever read “The Long Walk” by Stephen King? It was part of the Bachman books. All of this walk talk reminded me of it.

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For those who are still a bit confused - several parts of this post were written tongue-in-cheek.

sarcasm alert

Yes, anything. As long as they use a condom and no more than two guys at once.

No need for the alert

I’m Scottish. Sarcasm flows through my veins


I don’t do it for others. Literally no one in my life cares what I lift but me. The occasional family gathering question, “how’s the gym treating you?” No one gives a shit. Honestly all the physical stuff is secondary for me. Lifting is foremost a mental health treatment I need. I’m sure a lot of guys know what I mean.


When asked how much he benched, Mike Jenkins (RIP) would respond “800lbs”. Dudes would just nod, sometimes saying how they knew someone that benched more. No one knew or cared that he was saying he benched more than the world record. The average person has no scale or scope for any of this.

But at the same time, if you run marathons and someone asks how fast your last one was, you could say 90 minutes and get the same response. It’s all niche.


Worked with a guy who went to school in California. We were in the ship gym one day, got talking, and this same conversation happened except deadlift. Mentioned that there was a dude at a gym he used to go to that would deadlift like 750 for reps. Right

I gave the usual “wow man, that’s awesome” and went back to my workout. He comes up to me like 5 minutes later with his phone, it’s a Instagram video of Dan Green deadlifting with my coworker visibly gawking In the background lol. Apparently his gym wasn’t too far from the college my coworker went.


I trained at Boss Barbell for a couple of years. Some of the things Dan was able to do were just ridiculous and so much fun to watch.

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