I'm Fat, Weak & Tired of Wasting my Life. I Need Help

Set a goal; a real goal. Make it realistic, quantify it, and give it a deadline. One or more of the main lifts would be perfect. Set a realistic goal for the poundage, and set the deadline 3-6 months from now.

That way, you’ll have something real to work toward


Try Westside 4 Skinny Bastards (WS4SB). Use it to achieve a set goal. It involves quite a bit of variation which should keep you interested.

You need to love yourself man !

You won’t change your body composition if you don’t go to the gym, if you don’t eat well ! Go to the gym find a program that you like, if it’s 3 times a week its fine. Go walk outside the other day, go climp a mountain or anything else. Try to eat good things everyday, if you feel like you need to eat ‘‘crap’’ just think about how you fell watching your body everymorning, you won’t eat crap anymore ! and if u think of skipping the gym, think at how you fell every morning watching you in the mirroir.

just enjoy the process ! you are the only one who can change your mind and body composition, nobody else can do it for you !

Awesomeness congrats on your beast mode

That’s sweet but I think to change some people have to be bitch slapped into reality. If someone finds an excuse for everything, they have to truly accepted their problem.

Ok. Have you ever considered you feel bad because you’re not taking care of yourself? Even if you have a mental illness like I’m an anorexic in recovery, I’m still held accountable for my actions. I can eat or not eat. I have a choice. It’s about acceptance, if you don’t like something don’t make excuses, change. How do you change…see above all these generous people are offering free advice. Take it, learn it, and stop being in a state of denial but “wanting” change. It isn’t easy, but if you take one day at a time and chose what to eat, drink,exercise…decide you want an overhaul of your life then start asking questions because you “won’t” have any excuses. You will realize the ball is in your court, you either play ball or sit in the bleachers. I say bring it! What’s really stopping you?

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