If You Could Start Over Again

Go used! There’s deals to be had all the time.

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Having thought about this:

  • Work out what I’m trying to achieve. I didn’t know what I was working towards. I just picked up a book and went for it
  • Do something appropriate for me. I picked up Arnie’s advanced training program pretty early on and I was straight on to it haha
  • Never touch Men’s Health, lunging overhead press. Enough said
  • Less time on training, more time on nutrition. I ate the RDI amount of protein (less than 70g for those counting) low calorie, low fat for way too long. Post workout was a bag of lollies
  • Less time researching. I’d give myself 3-4 hours at the gym per week then forget about it. God knows what I could have accomplished in that researching time (I’m thinking got my scrunched paper waste basketball fire rate to 30 shots/minute at 85%+ accuracy)