Ideas to Get as Lean as Possible

Poliquin uses 2 grams of Potassium Citrate as an alkalizer. Thoughts?

Am I the only fucktard worried about mercury in a high fish diet?

Thanks for the reply.

Although I try not be one of those " fruit-a-phobes", I always thought the sugar content of mangoes was similar to bananas and that it is on the higher end of the scale and hence not the best when trying to lose fat.


Also, just wondering If anything in your protocol needs to be done in a cyclical manner?

Im going to implement your protocol starting today.

My goals are to stay lean (aiming for a steady 10-12%) and secondary is to maintain/increase muscle mass. Currently I am able to manage approx 15% and I just want to get that little leaner (obviously these numbers are my estimates and are all arbitrary)


It also alkalinize the body. Sucks for muscle growth but for the immune system, healing the dugestive system and reducing acidity it works.

I would be REALLY careful messing with potassium. Iā€™ve seen some bad things happen because of it.

Tilapia, sole, shrimps, flounder among others are low in mercury


You could cycle the bicarbonate, but other than that, no, it can be done year round

It all comes down to quantities. You can eat a moderate amount and the health benefits will be there without the potential for making you fatter.

There is a difference between muscle inflammation due to training and low grade systemic inflammation. The former will only be affected by taking anti-inflammatory drugs or HIGH doses of fish oil within 2-3 hours of the workout. Veggies wont hurt, it has no impact except for slowing down nutrients absorption which you donā€™t want.

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Not for these reasons no. I think the only logical reasons to have carbs pre-bed are:\

To increase the release of serotonin, promoting relaxation

To top out your glycogen stores if you train early morning

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I am actually of the personal belief that a lot of the early hype surrounding experiences using it were exactly for these reasons and not the claimed reasons people started to take it. They were just able to absorb nutrients better and run their bodily systems without the same inflammatory load as before.

So optimally avoid veggies/high fiber post workout? (assuming plazma intra, and need nutrients absorbed asap post workout). Or are we talking neglible % difference?

No aspirin around workout. Vitamin C, E, other antioxidants minimal impact periworkout?

Sometimes I eat sushi buffet postworkout (massive amounts of fish and Omega 3), hope not hurting my gains lol

If you use PLAZMA pre and during it doesnā€™t matter if you have veggies and fibers after because all the nutrients necessary were already shuttled to the muscles and glycogen was preserved.

IMHO no aspirin EVER, It;'s bad for the digestive system and the kidneys. I actually like vitamine C post-workout to lower cortisol back down. Antioxydant wont matter.

I really would not worry about that

Very cool thx

Do you have a view on ephedrine, especially in EC stack? Some think can use long term (if not excessive), others say cycle ephedrine.

And still others say ephedrine is more dangerous anabolic steroids, so why use stims if can go full sauce haha

Sadly, Iā€™m on an daily aspirin regiment due to two stokes.

Christian a vitamin C like this:

Ingredients: Ester-C-Calcium Ascorbate, Rutin 50 mg, Quercetin 25 mg, Grape Pips Extracts (contains 40% of proanthocyanides) (Vitis vinifera) 10 mg

Would interfiere with indigo if I take it with mag10 30-45 min PWO? The same reason indigo is taken 60-75 min pre workout and its action affects to plazma during workout, Iā€™m not sure if could hurt after the workout and the solid meal with carbs.

Curcumin, indigo and flameout are really good antinflammatori combo.

how long time do you wait for taking curcumin after the workout?

Some of this can be genetics. I believe the FTO gene (fat mass and obesity-associated protein) can increase the risk for gaining fat in the presence of a high saturated fat and low polyunsaturated fat intake ratio.