Ideas for Even More Forum Challenges

I feel like everyone could at least attempt a power variation from the hang. I by no means would be catching anything in a full squat.


How’s about Martin Rooneys Mantathalon:

There are five events performed:

-Bodyweight Bench Press for Reps
-Bodyweight Chin-ups for Reps
-Half-Bodyweight Overhead Press for Reps
-1.25 Bodyweight Dips for Reps
-Half-Bodyweight Barbell Curl for Reps

You get one attempt for maximal reps during the competition.

20 min time limit to complete all 5

Outlined in more detail here: Train Like A Man 9

This is something everyone can do ( no special equipment or insanity required)and scales with body weight, and you get a nice little number at the end


I mean, it’s a challenge on the Interwebz, I’m not sure any gratitude is required.

But since you mention it…

I do like the Mantathlon a little better than most of the others that have been floated so far.

With all due respect to brady, while I understand the allure of crazy challenges, I think the best forum-challenges (for participation’s sake) ought to be things that 1) can be done without any special equipment, 2) can fit into people’s training without absurd recovery (i.e. I would think that most-squats-with-135-in-10-minutes will leave some of us unable to walk the next day), and 3) pose relatively minimal injury risk. The Mantathlon can work pretty smoothly into just about anyone’s training schedule as an upper-body session, and you can be back to your normal training schedule within a day or two.

I’m also liking a few of these as downstream options:

Suggested modification: if you’re making it a pure “most reps” contest, make this time a little shorter (10 minutes?) or make this a last-man-standing contest where you add one rep per minute (1, 2, 3, etc) until you can no longer .

I do like this, with the acknowledgement that not everyone performs the Oly lifts. Could work as a sub-challenge of sorts.


I completely agree with @ActivitiesGuy. Mantathlon gets my vote. Also max pull-ups in a set time is a good one but definitely shorten the time. @jblues85 and I did that for 15 minutes and it felt like an age lol.

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Ya, that sounds fun.

I’ve always liked “Grace”.

30 clean and jerks for time. I power clean and push press, though.

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Agreed. Mantathlon sounds as good as anything. The Super Total idea sounds cool, but probably not too feasible for me… Hell, it’d take me more than 5 minutes to change weights and set up each exercise.

I have done grace with an axle twice this month. Managed a 2:57 last time

I know a few other folks took this up as well. @dchris and @littlesleeper

I will be doing Murph on 25 May, if anyone wants to join me.


I will join you for Murph but the pull-ups will be a real struggle! Do you have to do all pull-ups before moving on to the push-ups or can you superset them?

I need to get back into doing pull-ups often!

My understanding is you go from one to the other, but I am not sure about the rules.

If my ankles permit running the whole way for time, I’m in.

[quote] Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

From the Crossfit website. Not clearly worded, but it sounds like you can mix them up?

Went ahead and did the Martin Rooney Manathalon.


Awesome work @anon50325502! Want to make a new challenge thread for the Mantathlon? 18 pull-ups is extremely impressive.

Thanks, man. They’re not as strict as they could be, but I’ll take it.

Edit: feel free to quote my post in a new manathalon thread.

Ah, I thought they were saying you could rest between reps and not have to do them all at once. Someone more well versed can chime in.

I read it as you just do them all in however fashion you can as long as you start with a mile, end with a mile?

Sounds like the Mantathalon is the way to go for now. I’ll post up later today. Bad news is I’m deep into the T-ransformation diet… But good news is my body weight is down 25 pounds so the weights wont be as heavy as they were a few months ago :wink:

Martin Rooney has tons of these kinds of things in his articles, couple other doable ones:

  • Front Squat 135x5, Deadlift 225x5. 8 super sets in under 10 minutes is the goal

  • BW Bench x5, Pullup x5. 8 super sets in under 10 minutes is the goal


The dips bit makes sense now, I took 1.25 bodyweight to mean that a 200lb guy would need to strap 250lb on. I was thinking 95% of people would get a big fat 0 on that one!

I should be in for this one, suits me pretty well also due to dropping a bit of weight in the transformation.

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I’ve just read a men’s fitness article about it and it seems you can split them all up. I’m not sure if I can link it but I just searched murph wod.