Ideas and Help with Diet Plan?

Hey I need help with setting up a diet plan. I’ve going to the gym for a month now and not seeing much results. I run for 30mins before lifiting for an hr and run another 30 after can u help me?

What does a typical day’s meals look like? Don’t leave anything out.

How tall are you, what do you weigh and how lean are you now?

You can’t out train a bad diet, trust me, I’ve tried.

[quote]Johnnytx wrote:
Hey I need help with setting up a diet plan.[/quote]
Like Dchris said, knowing how you’re currently eating will definitely help to sot things out.

Very generally, this is a good step-by-step outline:

Even without knowing how many days you’re training, that’s totally too much cardio.

Doing a full half-hour before you even lift will negatively impact how hard you can go when you do lift, and lifting is what you really want to focus on to build strength and muscle.

Get on a well-designed training program first. There are tons on the site, this is one good example:

I’d ditch the cardio before lifting, but doing some easy-ish cardio right after training can work well. 20 minutes of high incline walking, for example.

[quote]dchris wrote:
How tall are you, what do you weigh and how lean are you now?[/quote]
Profile says he’s 5’8", 230 with 33% bodyfat. So, a big dude in a not so good way with plenty of fat to lose.

Johnny, dial in your training, get your nutrition in line, don’t go overboard on either one, and you’ll get it done.

Related to that, do you have a specific goal you’re shooting for?

I’m shooting for at least 200 or 10% or less body fat, I’m cutting out sugary drinks and sweets all together going to some but not Much carbs eating mostly chicken or turkey dropping down on beef and trying to eat more like chef salads with no dressing, I mean I’m not fat but I’m not slim I sana slim down and be more toned or cut

At <25% bf, you should just focus on the basics. Make sure your getting a basic weighttraining session done 3. Each session focusing on big compound movements - squats, deadlifts, bench, overhead press, chins, dips.

As regards diet, focus on the basics again - animal proteins, lots of veg, moderate amount of fats, a little lower in carb - limit it to post workout if losing bf is the goal.
As regards supplements, i’d drop the fatburner - it’s not necessary, use protein powder if you cant eat enough protein in your diet.
Other important points of note - plenty of water, lots of good sleep, take care of the basics, and it should fall off you with your starting point of >25%

[quote]Johnnytx wrote:
I’m shooting for at least 200 or 10% or less body fat, I’m cutting out sugary drinks and sweets all together going to some but not Much carbs eating mostly chicken or turkey dropping down on beef and trying to eat more like chef salads with no dressing, I mean I’m not fat but I’m not slim I sana slim down and be more toned or cut [/quote]

You also avoided the question.

Write down what you ate today and post it. That simple.

[quote]Johnnytx wrote:
I’m cutting out sugary drinks and sweets all together[/quote]
That’s a great start. Removing all drinks with calories will have a drastic impact, replace with lots of water. I stopped drinking soda and Redbull, which was roughly 400 calories a day for me.

I strongly advise against manipulating carb intake this early. That’s something to worry about when you get closer to your goal. Right now focus on not eating pizza, ice cream, donuts, or whatever (those are my weaknesses) and instead eating rice, quinoa, pasta. Going from eating lots of ‘unhealthy’ food > low carbs is a recipe for failure. Again focus on getting your food from quality food sources for 90 days without cheating. Come back and report the drastic difference you see.

[quote]Chris Colucci wrote: Very generally, this is a good step-by-step outline:[/quote]

That’s a great article. I haven’t read that one before, but I had tremendous success losing weight by implementing 1-3.

The big question is, what did you eat today? …and don’t leave anything out.