I Like Bush, BUT...

Ok, the title of the thread is not meant to bring about specific adminstration bashing. It just makes me mad that Bush would do something like this (or allow it to happen). I posted this in an attempt let people know of the situation at hand.

I really think the government is growing too big. I think personal freedoms (within reason) are the most important things we can have. Now I think military recruiters should have access to all campuses that accept federal funding, you want the money you get the recruiters. I do agree that those who want nothing to do with the military should be able to opt out of having their records released.

I tell you what, when they come to mess with my D2 they’ll get my reply one bullet at a time. From my cold dead hands baby!

Liberty is to the collective body, what health is to every individual body. Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man; without liberty, no happiness can be enjoyed by society.
Thomas Jefferson

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
Thomas Jefferson

How is it that the system that got our parents so far is starting to fail our own children? [/quote]

because that’s how it works. im not saying that we observe our system failing, but opposites begat opposites.

No one else is stepping up to the plate, so you have my full and complete support. You sound like a man who can stop our slow descent into Fascism.
I think our main trouble will actually be the American people. They are so used to having plentiful jobs, low inflation, stability, that convincing them that we’re headed toward the s–t pit will be difficult. Also, the Feds will militarize the economy to keep it from going downhill. Unless they fail, we don’t have a chance.