I Hope my Kids have Professors Like This: Freedom and Dissent

Well, I was speaking in utero, within the confines of pregnancy. However, if an adult homosexual chooses the intervention…I mean, he/she can choose to have their genitalia mutilated while having themselves pumped full of the opposite sex’s hormones. So, how could we ban them from such a choice?

What if an adult chooses to send his kid for antigay treatment and rehab?

Within the context of an actual medical intervention that works?


Then, nothing.

I know what you are saying. I am not the one you have to convince though.

Heh, yeah, sorry. I actually figured so. But, it was a good jumping on point to share some thoughts.

gotcha! :+1:

If there is no abuse involved and everything is above board, it’s the parent’s prerogative. It wouldn’t be my choice, but I am not into telling other people what they should do or how to raise their kids.
Chances are ‘reeducating’ will not work anyway.

Define abuse.

Might you tell us if, in your opinion, simply having the child treated, with his/her consent, would be abusive? As a reminder, we’re talking about a hypothetical medical intervention that actually does work…

A medical intervention for something that is not a medical issue. Homosexuality is not a disease.

Physical, badgering, demeaning language or behavior, etc.

Would that include telling a kid he needs to be cured of what and who he is?

But, what if the child wants it?

Kids want all sorts of things.

Right, but what if a child wants this in particular?

If they can elect to have this, and the parents bring them in for it…

Then why not children who simply want to line up their sexual attraction (at least for the future) with natural sexual reproductive realities?

In CA, parents have no right to be notified that their minor children identify as Transgender. This is due to a 2013 law, and I think most parents don’t even understand what it means at this point. Parents do not have a right to opt out of the “diversity education” programs where issues like Trans or LGBT are discussed in the public schools. There are some sex ed topics you can opt out of, but not all.

For reference. See number 5 in this list.

And here, number 6.

Anecdotal evidence here, but we’re seeing a rise in middle school kids identifying as bisexual. As in, “I like boys and girls, so I must be bisexual,” and also in junior high age kids identifying as lesbian. My daughter knows of kids in junior high who are not yet sexually active, who say they are Bisexual. @ Young girls saying they are lesbian, “If you’re 12, and prefer the company, of other girls, like girls better than boys.” You can see where there’s some confusion in what these simplified explanations mean. That would be a lot of young girls.

Also, just one anecdote but we now have three young women, all friends in the high school band, who are identifying as Trans. It seems very unlikely that there is a cluster of this very rare situation. So, it seems that in some friend groups this is now popular, a way to see attention, or to fit in with your peers. Technically, their parents do not need to be informed by the school that their children want to be known by another gender.

You can see where many religious parents, or conservatives, are upset about these new programs in public schools. It’s often worked into the curriculum outside of sex ed, per se. For example, about diversity education, the concept of white privilege might be taught to your student as part of an anti-bullying lesson.

I read a very disturbing story about a young woman with Asperger’s who began to identify as FTM trans. She was informed that her parents were “transphobic” if they were not supportive of putting her on hormones. The counselors who specialize in treating TG individuals are often a self-selected group of people who may have these issues, or who have an agenda of being very supportive of these changes. If I can find the article, I’ll link to it.

I’ll just add to my comment by saying, more kids are being exposed to these ideas in the public sphere, media, and also at school. Obviously, if they are being taught at school that gender is not binary. Or that having some characteristics that are stereotypical of the opposite sex, then you may be Trans. The concern really is that manipulating hormones, or surgeries are forever.

Interestingly, I read that more girls on the Autism spectrum are identifying as Trans. If you’re aware of the theory that Autism is a hyper-masculine brain, a brain that is more tuned toward systemizing rather than relationships and people, then it makes sense that maybe more girls with high functioning autism may feel more masculine than their peers, or at least be more interested in stereotypically masculine things like math or mechanical things over people.

@ Research into some of these topics. Tagging you too, @pat. The increased awareness and interest in Transgender, is actually one of the factors fueling the study of neurological differences between men and women. Feminists may feel threatened by the idea that male and female brains have very real, and very measurable differences. There are now many known differences in male and female brain neurology. For the Trans person, this is VERY exciting news. If you’re MTF Trans, finding that you have a more feminized brain is an affirmation that there is indeed something physically different.

That’s not very articulate. Hopefully that makes sense.

No, you’re correct. If one is a man who feels like a woman…Than, yes, it suggests women think and feel differently than men in some important and inherent way. And if that’s case, maybe in equality in outcome in at least certain fields and interests is a pipe dream.

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