
i know most people think here that most of the time you can only hypertrophy and not hyperplasia, i find this to be false because hyperplasia-satellite stem cells in the muscle to grow new fibers, occurs when a muscle is badly damaged, and this can be done by doing heavy eccentrics or negatives at least what i have read, does anyone agree or disagree, any opinions?

I’ve found the most hyperplasmia correlation with high-rep concentrics. Cyclists and swimmers tend to have crazy hyperplasmia.

Chad Waterbury did an article on high rep training (something about 100 reps per day) with a focus on hyperplasmia. It was pretty good. We talked a bit about making the movements even more concentric dominant and the decision was to use faster concentrics and lower the weight.

What I have NOT found is a way to turn hyperplasmia into increased muscle gains. It seems to be apples and oranges. Getting the hyperplasmiaed (heh, is that a word) to hypertrophy seems to cannibalize the cells. Grr. I thought I had found THE SECRET to bbing. I’m still working on it.

With eccentric training, the satellite cells seem to cause hypertrophy (by merging with the damaged cells), not hyperplasmia.

Just because I misspelled hyperplasia, don’t think I’m an idiot …

El_machinae… don’t worry about the spelling, you covered the topic well. I had no idea that heavy eccentrics cause the sattelite cells to merge with adult cells, thus causing hypertrophy. Very interesting.

not sure how you correlate hyperplasia with doin high reps unless you did some biopsies there. the 100 rep protocol increases capilary density which causes sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.

this is a good thread that i wish more people with answers could respond to. Seems like a nice topic for a Gang of Five article. laters pk

El Machine do you even know what hyperplasia is? I dont think Chad Watterbury would claim that his 100 reps to increased strength causes hyperplasia. Infact he did not use the term hyperplasia in his article once. He claims that it will increase capillary density. Hyperplasia with respect to what the original poster is talking about is an increase in the number of muscle cells.

Once mature, muscle cells cannot undergo hyperplasia. This is a myth that I believe was pointed out somewhere on T-mag.

(cause we’re different people, you know)

I know that mature cells won’t fracture into smaller cells, that’s kinda silly. But satellite cells will be triggered to become additional cells by things like swimming and biking. I’m quite sure that it’s because the people are swimming that they have hyperplasia (and that they aren’t swimmers because they have hyperplasia). Biopsies show they have more cells in the proper areas that normal people do.

Warrior: I know that he was looking at capillary density. Extensive capillaries are needed for hyperplasia to occur, or else they wouldn’t get the nutrients they need. It’s all part of a process.

Unfortunately, it’s really tough to get MANY cells and LARGE cells. Le sigh.