How to Tailor Training Toward my Goals?

Paul Carter 500 rep shoulder. Do a search for the article, this has been like magic for my delts. Tough and not recommended for long but if you use it and then keep going back to it. Has really made my delt start to resemble cannon balls, small ones obviously but 100% better than they was.

@kd13 Which muscles did finally cover your clavicle ending of which you sent a picture of in my other thread? Also, do you have a more recent picture of your shoulder? No homo :smiley:

not best pic but you can’t see any bones!

plenty of overhead pressing and lateral raises, and I’m a massive rear delt guy, I don’t really shrug as deadlift was a big focus for a while. Check out my prep log for more pics.

Damn, nice progress. I don’t really train traps either, just deadlifts or rackpulls. Hopefully I can reach your grade of shoulders one day

My shoulders really responded to higher reps of side laterals, check out that 500 rep I mentioned and even if you implement just the 100 side lats I’m sure it will trigger growth. And obviously get your diet in check to make sure your eating enough. I think you just need time, but honesty I was way behind you in terms of development so you will be fine.

I will check it out, thanks. .

Upright row with a nearly shoulder width grip (think power clean grip) supersetted with Lateral DB raises. 3x10 on each. No rest between upright rows and the raises. 60 sec of rest between sets.

Another superset I use is the 3 headed monster (my stupid name b/c it burns). 10 front DB raises/10 Lateral DB raises/10 bent-over reverse DB fly’s. 3 sets with 60 sec rest between.

I think I’ve had better aesthetic results with these supersets but to improve strength I have to press.

Do you all agree on that my shoulders are far behind my chest? I have been thinking about that recently and I started to think the same. You can tell by my chest that I work out but not really by my shoulders. I don’t really have a trained eye for this but it feels reasonable since im much stronger at chest exercises like I previously mentioned.

I think they are proportionate to your level of fitness. Keep doing the program, evaluate this question in six months.