How to Start Cutting?

I was wondering if someone tells me what to start doing for cutting fat and shredding ? what kind of diet ? and if i should do some kind of a set range (15~20 reps/set) and what good programs should i do ? i have been bulking for 6 monthes now. gained 5 kilos and from 22% to 15% fats

You might wanna use the search engine or look on Google because there’s way too many things to explain about cutting. The basic idea is you eat less than your maintenance calories, which is the calories your body burns in a day, causing you to lose weight (mainly fat if you do it right). Continue lifting the same way you do now, and eat a high protein diet (less calories than normal). Good luck.

read some john beradi and shelby starnes articles

Count cals, macros, eat less, more cardio…keep workouts intense and still train hard…

so i was doing ws4sb, i can keep on that program without altering the reps (increase to 15 or 20 reps per set) ? just just about the diet??

It seems you should just keep “bulking”.

Step one: Eat normally and count your calories for a couple weeks and tell us how much you eat on a regular basis.

[quote]paulieserafini wrote:
Step one: Eat normally and count your calories for a couple weeks and tell us how much you eat on a regular basis.[/quote]

^Best starting point. You have to always know exactly what you’re doing (have been doing) in order to plan and implement changes based on what has gotten you to, and/or kept you where you currently are.

Just haphazardly choosing some approach, with random #s for macros thrown in can fall pretty far from the mark of steady, and smart progress when it comes to fat loss and muscle retention.