How to Progress on "The Best Damn Workout"

I usually work with cycles going from 6reps to 10reps, and when i reach 10reps I go to 6reps again with more weight. You don’t mention any cycle in this program so I wonder how to progress on weight without doing more and more reps ?
Thanks and sorry for my English :slight_smile:

The double rest pause method has you do 4-6 reps at first, 2-3 after a short rest and finally 1-2. Logically you add more weight once you hit 6+3+2 with no form breakdown.

The mTor activation method calls for 6-8 reps so once you hit 8, more weight.

The drop set method is 6-8-10 with as much weight as possible so progression here should go without saying.

Okay so I keep 6 reps on the 2first working sets, and do 2sets of 10reps @70% of the working weight for the warmup ?

I remember the first time I did a CT program. iBodybuilder.

Was getting a little confused trying to figure it all out on paper.

So instead, I decided to figure it out in the gym. That’s when the learning started.

When I decided to try built like a linebacker, I just did it. Again, the learning started.

Bring the program with you and do it.

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I’m not confused, (5yrs working out) I didn’t see how the cycle works. You can’t just do the same workout everyday to build muscle. So i was wondering how to progress with a strict rep range. I doubt about that one hard set, but i’ll give it a try, it’s interesting.

You don’t believe, doubt and wonder.

You need to change that mentality. You know, empty the cup.

You warm up like usual, then do 2 sets of 6 to ready yourself for the all-out set.

There’s no cycling included in that version of the program. There’s at least 3-4 other guys asking the exact same question on this board, and CT has said that he’s writing a long term progression plan and a 4 day version of this program. Looking around just a tiny bit helps a ton.

Progression is simple. You can add 1 rep to the workout compared to the previous workout. You could hold the mTor set for an extra second. You could add weight. Each tiny adjustment is progress. When CT says 4-6 reps then start with a weight you can only do 4. When you can do 6 with that weight then increase weight and go back to 4. Keep it simple.

I’ve done CT’s Complete Power Look program multiple times and I find that I don’t always progress the way it says I should in paper. I just keep pushing from one week/month to the next and still make progress. We’re all a bit different so even if/when CT posts a progression it might not apply perfectly. CT frequently says he’s providing a guide and not a strict stand alone program. He’s teaching us to fish instead of dropping the fish in our mouth. Learn, experiment, and grow.

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Okay I got it.
I have a last question about the position of the exercices, is not counter efficient to put dips and military press after flyes ? I mean, Flyes require less energy and should be the last exercise ?
thanks for your replies

I thought about this as well but since this is a bodybuilding program, not a strength program, I don’t think it matters. Strength-wise, I would absolutely have to hit the overhead press first and dips second. However doing it the way it’s written, it limits the weights I can use and forced me to focus a ton more on both overhead press and dips after hitting my chest before pressing and chest and shoulders before dips.

I agree with Furius. I always move from biggest/most demanding to smallest/least demanding. With a muscle growth/bodybuilding focus it shouldn’t matter. We’ve all heard of pre-exhaust methods. Fatigue the triceps and then do overhead presses and you’ll definitely have no help from the tri’s. In the end both muscle groups get worked and stimulated.

Personally, I like to move some weight on certain exercises so I still stick with my order of big to small, compound to isolation.

Food for thought: how has traditional been working? I’ve stalled so maybe my approach isn’t the best anymore. It never hurts to try something that doesn’t make sense… At least when the source is someone like CT.

I usually do my multi joint exercises before the isolate ones because I think that multi joint build more muscle. And in this point of view, in theory doing pull over before chin ups will affect negatively my chin ups. But I agree that in reality it doesn’t matter at my point. But I think for those who are loading a lot of weight, doing big exercise at the end of the work out might be a problem.

on the other hand i was wondering if the “two preparation sets for each exercises.” are not an additional warmup but the “2 sets of 6 and […]” written in the program itself.
( I just noticed that )
Ty guys

What I got from the article was that they are basically preparatory sets for the all-out primary work sets. It is mentioned that they can be done even with the same exact weight as your work sets. They should be around 7 out of 10 on a scale of how taxing they are.

The thing is, in this program we don’t have any work sets, we just have two preparation set and one all-out.
That’s why i was wondering if I had to do 2preparation sets + two workings sets + one all-out
Or 2 preparation sets + one all-out

The topic of the article is that most naturals have been doing too much volume and too little frequency. The workout is meant to do 2 sets of 6 with about 70% of your 6RM (my take on an effort of 7 out of 10). Another approach is to use your working set weight but only do about 4 reps. These sets prime your muscles, joints, etc for the all out work set. Call them warm ups, prep sets, or whatever but they proceed the 1 all out work set.

Once you’re warmed up then each exercise has 3 total sets.

Okay that was what i thought thanks dude.

Hello there,
Everytime I wonder what is the position to hold for 2secs for “the maximal mtor activation”, is it on contraction or is it a little rest pause, before the negative or the positive phase ?
Thx for answers

I’m not 100% sure how it should be implemented in all of the exercises listed in the original program. In pullovers, cable work for chest, hack squats etc. it’s pretty clear that it’s immediately after the negative portion where you stretch the muscle out. However it’s pretty damn hard to do it that way in leg curls and preacher curls because I for example feel absolutely no stretch in the bottom position no matter what I do.

yeah, same thing happen on incline curl, maybe we should keep a little contraction to get the stretch right after the negative part

Any idea when the 4 day plan will be written?