How Strong Is Strong Enough for Athletes

after reading a article at higher faster sports

how strong is strong enough when youre an athlete when considerating your own bodyweight, is squatting 2 times your weight useless

should you always getting a strenght base up to 1.5 your bodyweight before developing your speed with pylometric

what level would you consider you too strong based on your bodyweight

I don’t think you can ever be “too strong” as an athlete. Look at the truly elite sprinters, most of them are well over double bodyweight squatters and there are some that are squatting triple bodyweight.

However, I think what you are getting at is at what point is maximal strength not the #1 priority. For this I think you need to do some sort of explosive deficit test. I think the countermovent jump vs. paused squat jump is a good one that applies here as it wil work just as well for a fairly weak (by this I mean squatting like 1.5x bodyweight) athlete as well as a very strong athlete. If there’s a big difference (like 4" or more) between your regular standing vert and a paused squat jump, then you probably need more max strength work. If the difference is very small (under 2"), you probably need some plyometric or speed-strength work.

That’s just my opinion though, I’m certainly no expert.

Check out “Science and Practice of Strength Training” by Zatsiorski. He covers this topic very well.


Well is an understatement

[quote]buffalokilla wrote:
Check out “Science and Practice of Strength Training” by Zatsiorski. He covers this topic very well.


Here’s an interesting excerpt from Supertraining which I dug out…

“Special attention must be paid to the prescription of general heavy resistance exercises. They enable the athlete to reach the necessary level of absolute strength, to provide general physical conditioning and to train the neuromuscular system non-specifically. However, it is undesirable to use them extensively during specialised training phases, since they can diminish speed and explosiveness. High volume strength loads used after a phase of specialised jump training can substantially reduce the existing level of explosive strength.”

The key here to note is “specialised training phases.” Maximal strength is key for nearly every athlete, since your explosive strength will never equal that of your maximal strength- eg, you’ll never jump squat what you can squat. However, if speed training is entirely neglected, there may be a drop in explosive strength. Early in the offseason this may be an option as there is plenty of time to regain and increase explosive strenght to a higher level before competition.

Basically, to me it very much argues for the conjugate or complex methods of periodization where everything is trained at once with varying emphases.