How Much Water?

Back to the water question: there is no one answer because a range of “best” amounts of water will vary according to lean bodyweight, amount of sweating, humidity (which affects how much water is lost in the breath), protein intake, and sodium intake.

The water content of all water-containing beverages should be counted towards the question of whether water intake is adequate.

(It isn’t sensible, though some say it should be done, to count however many teaspoons or tablespoons of powder taken separately or let’s say mixed with food together with say a quart of water drunk as straight water as being a quart; but to count water intake as zero if the powder is put into the water instead of taken separately a few seconds before or after drinking the water.)

I suppose if towards the bottom end of the range in the factors above that require greater water consumption, a good figure is probably about a gallon per day, and if at the higher end of the range in those factors, then two gallons or in some cases even more.

All I can say is wow, Bill Roberts. Thanks for taking the time to find those article’s on artificial sweeteners. It seems like it is a safe bet that artificial sweeteners can mess with your metabolism (probably due to their artificial nature…) I’ll keep looking around for some more evidence in favor or against sweeteners though, and post if I find anything particularly good.

I’m trying to just get an idea of how much water people take in, and get a good average amount so everyone can have some idea of what is “ideal”.

i weight 220, and i find it really hard to get more than 4 liters (from drinking water, 500 ml shake and 3 cups of green tea) on top of all the water from the fruits/veggies i eat

[quote]cyph31 wrote:
i weight 220, and i find it really hard to get more than 4 liters (from drinking water, 500 ml shake and 3 cups of green tea) on top of all the water from the fruits/veggies i eat[/quote]

Carry a full water bottle with you at all times :smiley:

Thanks for the info though, 1-2 gallon’s seems to be the average.