How Much to Eat (of What Food Type) to Bulk Up

creatine is 100% safe. I think everyone should take it. It’s so cheap, and effective for almost everyone. No downside.

I don’t condone getting fat, period. If you want to do that, it’s your call, but I look at the bigger picture. If my end goal doesn’t involve me being fat, I don’t want to get fat at any point in my pursuit of that goal. You can blur your abs, that’s fine. But trust me, from first hand experience, I stay VERY lean, lift at a high level, and can still make gains. I’ve never gained an appreciable amount of fat in my life. There are TONS of accounts from members of this site who will tell you not to get fat at any point, because they have and regretted it. If you’re very conscientious about your diet, you’ll be able to continue to add bodyweight and strength without getting fat.

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Thanks everyone for the really helpful responses. I think the take away from this is to allow for a small surplus and rely mostly on a good clean diet for SS.

I know this wasn’t part of the original thread but I’ve been wanting to improve my rep number on pull ups and Dips by adding a pyramid and the end of my workouts:

1 dip, 1 pull up
2 dips, 2 pullups
3 Dips, 3 pullups
4 Dips, 4 pullups
etc. Until i get to 1 or so short of failure, then ladder back down.

I know the high volume approach works well for pullups, but is it also good for Dips?