How much can you BEAR?

The real question is what are you doing the bear for?

Are you looking for a specific physiological result, or are you entertaining yourself with a diffeent exercise?

Here is an article that best describes the purpose to perfoming an exercise of this type.
It’s was written by Steve Javorek in 2000 but the exercise and the principles behind it go back to the 60’s or 70’s or perhaps earlier.
Although Davies’ exercise has been modified, do I smell intellectual copyright.

The way that I understood CT’s statements is that you shouldn’t lift weights as a means of fat loss (which I agree with). However, if an exercise is being used to increase the efficiency of the CNS, then I see no problem whatsoever with doing it. If I am correct, Pat never said he was using The Bear to lose fat (if he did then please forgive me). CT uses the javorek complex in his routines to prepare the muscles for an upcoming workout. Why couldn’t The Bear be used as muscular preparation? By the way, the last I heard, increasing your neural efficiency was considered a way of increasing strength and if the Bear increases CNS efficiency, then I would think it would somewhat increase strength. I don’t use the Bear and probably never will, however to say that “it sucks” is just plain stupid and ignorant.

I agree with big martin! the bear has a place and time. I personally use and prescribe the bear and other complex?s to various athletes I train. it can be used for improving speed strength/power. but only use complex’s occasionally.

I agree with big martin! the bear has a place and time. I personally use and prescribe the bear and other complex?s to various athletes I train. it can be used for improving speed strength/power. but only use complex’s occasionally.

I started using the bear as a general prep. exercise at 5x5. Feedback has been pretty much positive.
It’s excellent for intermuscular coordination but i would not recommend it for strenght.