How Many Times Per Week Should I Train a Muscle Group?

I blame Jack LaLanne for this tren-d. He was always pushing juicing, juicers and the value of fruits and veggies in that form.

Dude was hooked on fructose if you ask me.


Not years but i’ve seen it recently lmao. Some skinny fat guys hopped on some undergoud lab underdosed gear and guess what they didn’t change at all. The owner of the gym even injected them lol. And guess what they were running body part splits.

Yea man that’s true. I would say blast on fruits and cruise on veggies. That’s what Jack did.

I will cut to the chase do you feel your knowledge base is on par with say @The_Mighty_Stu?

Yes. My knowledge is based on science.

I think this guy might be Blaha himself

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Guys i was anorexic 2 years ago. I was 125 lbs at 6’0. I’m 150 lbs right now but let me ask you something. Do you think being anorexic at my puberty age can cause low testosterone? I can build muscle, i can gain strength but i always feel depressed, tired and weak. I can get an erection but sometimes i can’t get full erections. Is this normal for a 18 year old guy?
I’ve read that in the 20 century they used testosterone to treat depression but i’m not sure if i have low t.
The fact that i was undereating in my puberty years probably caused some damage.

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Lets clear up a few things…No one is not saying that its not optimal for someone to start with a full body approach. But there is a reason advanced guys tend to at least to gravitate towards some form of split be it upper /lower.

Than Steve Shaw would send his regards I’m sure


at 6’0. I’m 150 lbs right now

These is not training protocol issues…

Really? I ask because I don’t just read studies online and assume because I can repeat them it makes me an expert.

I’ve got 3 college degrees with classes in exercise phys, nutrition, sports med, and coaching, a collection of various training and dietary “certifications” most likely at the bottom of one of my file cabinets, two natural bodybuilding pro cards, and a client roster that includes countless bodybuilding/physique/figure and bikini competitors, as well as professional athletes (including NFL and UFC) who make their living from their looks and or performance abilities.

I’m not normally one to toot my own horn, so I hope other forgive me this, but your inexperience and belief that because your “knowledge is based on science” your opinions (OPINIONS) are worth the arguments you’re putting up here, is beyond laughable.

I truly hope this is just some troll attempt because seeing the delusional folks that think they’re qualified to put their thoughts on youtube or various social media platforms, I’ve been pretty happy that they generally stay away from the more serious forums (like this one) because they can’t just erase other peoples’ comments when experienced and accomplished folks point out how wrong they usually are.



Bro, first time I’ve ever seen you bow up.

Well done!


It took me a really long time to read through all this crap, but one thing that hasn’t been addressed… All volume is not created equal. 105 reps per week that is made up of 30 tough reps, 30 moderate reps and 35 light reps is not the same as 105 tough reps… Or 60 tough reps.

Explosive reps don’t lead to hypertrophy (see Olympic weightlifting and its weight classes).

Those two points were argued about 100 posts ago and I’m too lazy to find them now.


Iv read that in the 20th century theres people like mmamachine, who think they know everything from fake ass youtubers and scientific studies, whilst not experiencing anything themself and ignorantly ignoring wayy more experienced people.

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Methinks I am witnessing this in real time here


Bro, this is me.

Ah shit, thought I was in the Flame Free Confession Thread. My bad.

Lmao douchbag is so dopey he doesn’t realise that he is indeed dopey. Poor douchbag :joy:

Since this thread isnt flame free, shame on you!! Full flame!. :wink:

( do I have to say “No Homo” still?)