How Long Before Cutting Off Gel When Starting Injections?

Hi All, got my T prescribed from Defy and very happy with them. I’ve been using a daily gel on my shoulders, and want to know how long to continue application while the injection kicks in? Is it about a week?

You can pretty much just stop the gel the day you start the injections.

Gotcha. Reason I asked is because if I understand correctly, the T Cypionate will take a week or two to actually hit my blood stream. Am I wrong about that?

No. If you are low in T it can take weeks for levels to be raised adequately. It then takes time for the testosterone to start having an effect. You can just make the switch at this point. Do the injections on as a frequent basis as possible.

Doc put me on twice a week injections at 150/mg/week. So Monday morning and Thursday evening. I do want to get another opinion or two on when I should cut the gel out.