How does this look?

nevermind bm, i found them.

Alright, im understanding somewhat what they are saying, but have some questions. As much as i dont want to sound unintelligent, i wanna get strong more so: what are floor+ board presses? Theyre mentioned everywhere, but im not sure exactly how to do them.

As for my training, im still trying to figure it out, but some things im thinking of:

Both of DeFranco’s bench days, but taking all back and bicep work from those days, moving them, and then adding some more tri/shoulder/chest work if it seems necessary.

Thats not too hard to figure out, but legs im still kinda stumped. Im thinking maybe A heavy squat at beginning of week, and a dynamic dead at the end. Then i would switch it around, something like this:

Mon ME squat
Wed ME bench
Thurs DE dead
Fri DE bench

Then next week squat and dead would switch. I know i need to do goodmornings, but where to put them i dont know. Any ideas?

Keep in mind this is a rough sketch, supplementals etc are not in there yet.