How Does Clen/T3 Work for You?

Hey guys, I will be running a test cycle soon for 10 weeks. The goal is mass and I am hoping for a 20lb. gain, and will accept some water/fat gain…especially with thanksgiving and xmas on the way!

I want to time my cycling and diet so that by next may I will be lean and ripped by the summer. I am presently 200 lb @ 15-16% b.f., ideally after this bulker I will be amidst 220, after the cycle I will keep kcal high as to maintain gains and get my body used to the weight I have gained for PCT and a few weeks afterwards.

If my goal is to be 210 @ sub 10% b.f. for the summer how should I go about dieting in the new year. I do not want to go below 200 pounds because I am 6’1 and have a lanky frame. How does Clen/T3 workout for you guys?

According to your measurements now being accurate, the following is your goal weight and comp. and your current weight and body composition:

191lbs LBM + 19lbs FM(10%) = 210lbs BM

185lbs LBM + 35lbs FM(16%) = 220lbs BM

So you need to finish with a gain of 6lbs Lean Body Mass and a loss of 16lbs Fat Mass.

Totally do-able. But not easy if you intend to gain even more fat…

A clean bulk would be best then diet from there, there will be even less to come off that way and you would have a better chance of keeping all muscle.

If you are wanting to use clen and ESPECIALLY T3 you DO know that you need to be cycling during the diet dont you?



Truth is you could easily gain 10 pounds of muscle and lose 10 pounds of fat on a test cycle if your diet and training are on point with just a tiny bit of cardio to get the ball rolling.

Dont screw with T3, its dangerous and difficult for newbies to run and regulate correctly.

I will never touch the stuff, too risky for too little benefit imo (granted it sheds fat like a motherfucker during with proper AAS and dieting )

I cycled clen w/o T3

(because I’m too young to be messing with my thyroid and YES I know that responsible and educated use of proper amounts of T3 may not damage my thyroids but no takie chancies here)

I researched both heavily (mostly research journals…I suggest you make this a habit as well)


Clen definitely did something. I am a stimulant freak and clen had me not bouncing off the walls, but rather trembling and anxious as hell (initially); After which, I acclimated to the dosages, titrated up to about 160mcg/day, and I cycled using diphenhydramine to clear my beta receptors. The anxiety mostly disappeared, as did the trembling. I definitely had a slight increase in body temperature, definitely felt warmer, etc.

HOWEVER, I also experienced a marked decrease in endurance and strength. Lifting on clen was akin to lifting when I just wake up or lifting after staying up all night to study. When I tried to do HIIT–or any cardio, for that matter–I, more or less, sucked.

All in all, I prefer ephedra/ephedrine alkaloids. More capable to stack with other stimulants, methinks, helps with endurance, doesnt have as long of a half-life (clen has something like a 36-hour half-life, so every day compounds the amount circulating in your body), and was much more effective for reducing bodyfat/reducing cravings (for me). Clen did not have any of these extraneous benefits.

So, IMO, ditch the CLEN/T3 MAGIC PILL COMBO ideal that we all wish were true, and stack some ephedra with some other stims that will have a synergistic effect, and do your cardio like a man (and not lose strength and endurance). I love yohimbine but that makes me bloat like a puffer fish.
Also, ephedra/etc is cheaper!

OR if you’re a real champion and want to lose 500,456.54 pounds in two weeks sitting on your ass eating cheese fries, dip into some DNP. I heard its the shizzle.


[quote] Brook wrote:
According to your measurements now being accurate, the following is your goal weight and comp. and your current weight and body composition:

191lbs LBM + 19lbs FM(10%) = 210lbs BM

185lbs LBM + 35lbs FM(16%) = 220lbs BM

So you need to finish with a gain of 6lbs Lean Body Mass and a loss of 16lbs Fat Mass.

Totally do-able. But not easy if you intend to gain even more fat…

A clean bulk would be best then diet from there, there will be even less to come off that way and you would have a better chance of keeping all muscle.

If you are wanting to use clen and ESPECIALLY T3 you DO know that you need to be cycling during the diet dont you?



Thanks brook, well that does sound very much achievable and yes I am planning on running another late spring/summer cycle or test prop/winny and maybe tren so thats where I started thinking about the t3 and clen…but I would rather do more cardio then risk thyroid dysfunction for a slightly elevated metabolic rate…but we will see.

As far as this bulk goes, I will be clean bulking. All clean foods, and my only “cheat meals” might be a beer or two on the weekends. I am in college and not trying to compete so as long as its under control I think you guys can understand. I lift for myself and the vag is a nice side effect.

I am consuming 3500 kcal presently, actually here is my diet, which varies in foods but not in macros

Meal 1 - 4 eggs, 1.5 cups oats, 1 scoop whey (every other day, 2 whole, 1.5 cups whites instead of 4)

Meal 2 - 50 grams whey, 1/4 cup of walnuts (between classes)

Meal 3 - 3 slices of Arnold Whole Wheat high protein bread, 40 grams of protein via Turkey or Chicken

Meal 4 - either one scoop protein for preworkout, w/ sweet potatoe, or two scoops


Meal 5 - BCAA’s + 1 scoop whey…weight 30 min. Salad, 60-100 grams of carbs (depending on workout), 45 grams protein (chicken,fish,steak)

Meal 6 - Salad w/can of tuna and olive oil, or salad with whey drink.

How does that look? I have started following this diet this week and feel full all the time, kinda bloated but getting used to it definitely. I think it will def. get me gaining lean mass and should keep bloat down as long as i utilize the adex wisely, which I will. Any suggestions?

Hm… you currently weigh 200 pounds at 16% bofyfat now? That’s 168 pounds of lean bodymass.

Hoping to increase the lean bodymass to 189 (which is lean bodymass at 10% fat of bodyweight of 210). That’s 21 pounds of LEAN bodymass increase.

Probably doable, but easy it won’t be I think.

yeah i think so, let me throw up some before pics so I can see what you guys think I should do

actually nvm on the pics…dont want people to see me yet lol, tattoos might give me away.

How does the diet look though? And I believe that by next summer and hopefully two solid cycles 20 lb lean gain should be very doable/maintainable, def. gotta dry out by then though.

[quote]balisong wrote:
Hm… you currently weigh 200 pounds at 16% bofyfat now? That’s 168 pounds of lean bodymass.

Hoping to increase the lean bodymass to 189 (which is lean bodymass at 10% fat of bodyweight of 210). That’s 21 pounds of LEAN bodymass increase.

Probably doable, but easy it won’t be I think.


On reading this - i realised i must have got my numbers mixed around… you are correct mate. :slight_smile:

Two cycles? Ok, I thougt it was just one. Then it’s even more doable.

Even running orals only will get you quite a few pounds, hehe! :slight_smile:

[quote]balisong wrote:
Two cycles? Ok, I thougt it was just one. Then it’s even more doable.

Even running orals only will get you quite a few pounds, hehe! :)[/quote]

agreed, 2 cycles is a long time, you could easily do that with just AAS.

thanks guys, now its about timing and training/diet because I want to peak by late spring/early summer, so i can afford some fat now…just sucks to have never had abs and now not have them even more,but it will be worth it come the spring…

on another note i will be trying to get more involved on posting here and especially in this section so thanks for letting me feel welcome…cheers.