How Do You Save Money?

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:

-I brew all my own beer. It works out to roughly 10 dollars for a case of 24, and it tastes way better than most store-bought beers.[/quote]

Now, I can see the potential for high comedy here. Whenever one of your friends, who has heard about your brewing operation, comes over trying to cadge some free beer, you just tell him, “Suuuure! Help yourself! It’s down in the basement, in the four-liter jugs.”

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
G87 wrote:

This is something I’m interested in, but know nothing about. I kind of feel like I’d have to invest so much time into this that there’d be nothing else left in my life, lol.

It really doesn’t take that much time. I treat it like a university class, putting about an hour a day towards studying it. Do this for a year and you’ll be more financially savvy than the vast majority of the general public and even some so-called “financial advisors”. [/quote]

True Dat!!! I spend about 5-10 hours a week learning about stock and/or Real Estate. I’m a boring person…when I was 16 the 4-5 grand I made that summer went into the bank minus the 3k to Roth IRA. Only thing I splurge on is lifting and computer gaming.

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
Fuzzyapple wrote:

Did anyone else do the “WHAT?!” face to this comment?

LOL, I enjoy interjecting random shit into my posts to see if anyone actually reads them. Usually the answer to that is “NO”. Thanks for paying attention!


Well played lol! You had me fooled…“Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice well shame on me”.

I make my own laundry soap. Seriously. It is easy and cheap, about .40 a gallon.