How Do People Stay Diet Motivated?

I agree with marc about lookin gat food as a utility…BUT there needs to be some component of enjoyment in there as well for long term success. So you look at food as a way to get from point A to point B. That’s the utility aspect of it. Let’s say 75% of the pie (as it were).

The other 25% is having some ice cream because you enjoy it.

people who have the problem with their weight – or achieving leanness goals most likely have that 75 and25 percent flipped the wrong way.

Cook more. And I don’t mean cook packet foods or ‘just add meat’ to the sauce options. Learn some recipes. Create your own spice mixes and sauces from scratch.
You’d be amazed how much better food tastes and your body will feel when it’s actually made up from whole foods and not numbers and letters from a lab.

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What is wrong with bread, even when dieting? Not only is there low-carb bread but, artisan bread like french, italian, mexican, and middle eastern is essentially water, flour, yeast, salt. Maybe a tsp of sugar, or TBSP of oil.

I would never get into the mentality of earning it in the gym. Some people can do it but, many will get in the mentality of “training to eat” or begin to do excessive cardio to burn off extra calories that were not in their initial macros.

Thibaudeau has some nice articles on the relationship between fat loss/diet strategies and neurotype. The takeaway is that different things work for different people. His work convinced me to avoid no carb diets and focus instead on reducing overall calories.

One hack that works for me is cutting serving sizes down to “fancy restaurant” levels and to eat like I’m dining with Anthony Bourdain (slowly and enjoying every morsel).

I know this is old but it popped up on my phone.

Stand in front of the mirror naked.

Motivated yet?

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